Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Mecca of Nerdom: Part 2

So, I know you've all been eagerly anticipating the follow up to my last post. Well, wait no longer. The Comic-Con coverage continues here. The second panel of the day that we had scheduled would be the Sony Pictures Presentation, which we heard would cover the upcoming Ghost Rider movie, as well as Spider-man 3. It was scheduled for 5:00pm, so we thought it would be more than enough time to line up at 4:00pm. We proceeded to head outside, which is where the line had been formed. At the time we got into it, the line was maybe halfway up the length of the Convention Center, which is pretty big seeing how long the Convention Center is, but not long enough that we felt we'd be left out of the 6,500 seat Hall H where the panel was being held. Little did we know, that looks could be deceiving.Once the line proceeded to move, our excitement began to build. We figured we came at a good time, because the line had already tripled in length behind us. As we got closer to the door we would be going through to enter the hall, we saw that people were coming in the opposite direction. So, I thought to myself, the line must be a little longer than what I thought, but still, we'll make it in. (Oh, what I fool I was!) Once we rounded the corner of the Convention Center, we came face to face with the harsh truth. The line extended further down behind the building then we would have guessed. Still, we were cautiously optimistic that we'd make it in. As we roasted in the hot summer sun, across the street from Petco Park (as seen above), we witnessed the multitude of people that kept coming and coming behind us in line. Sadly, at 5:05pm, we got the news that the hall was filled to capacity, with us still about 100ft from the door.So, we counted our losses, and instead opted to search for the ellusive room 28E (which didn't appear on any of the Convention Center maps that were handed to us!). Luckily, it wasn't very far, just above the infamous Hall H as a matter or fact, which seemed to be a strategic move for the autograph signings. There was already a line outside of the room we were looking for, which we learned was for the Ghost Rider autograph signing. There was also a long line for the masquerade ball that was happening later that evening. I snapped a picture of a couple of girls all dressed up outside on the Convention Center's balcony.As we eagerly anticipated our turn, and a chance to sneak a peek at some celebrities, I was pondering what exactly I would have the cast autograph. I was wearing my Spider-Man shirt that I had bought in Ahhs! in Westwood (as seen above), so that seemed the most appropriate. But, once again, my bubble was bursted. The security let us all know that there would be NO cameras permitted, NO personalization, and NO personal items to be signed! (D'OH!) They said that the cast would have something there for them to autograph for us. Oh well, I just hoped it was something cool.So we sat and waited, and watched as the people waiting for the cast of Ghost Rider went in, and came out. We saw them coming out carrying 8x10 glossy photos of the above image, which is the teaser image for the movie. They have autographs in silver ink, and didn't look half bad. I thought to myself that if I ended up getting something like that, I would be satisfied. We caught glimpses of Nicholas Cage sporting longer hair, and Eva Mendes. And still, slowly, our time approached. We waited for the last of the Ghost Rider people to leave, and then it was finally our turn.I got butterflies in my stomache just thinking about meeting these people. I'm such a freak and a nerd for movies like this, and Spider-Man is my favorite superhero. So for me, this was a HUGE deal. I didn't want to come across as a needy fanboy, but I figured I'd be too nervous anyway to say anything stupid. The door was left open, so we caught a few glimpses of the cast before entering. Seated from left to right were: Bryce Dallas Howard, Topher Grace, Thomas Hayden Church, Kirsten Dunst, Tobey Maguire, and Sam Raimi. Soon thereafter, the first of us lucky few emerged with their prize. It was the full 27x40 teaser poster for Spider-Man 3. (See above) Needless to say, the fans cheered!
So, here comes my turn. I had been talking with a girl in front of me who was getting the poster for her dad. (She had paid for her wristband, she was so desperate for this. Her dad is a huge Spidey fan, and she wanted to surprise him. I hope he appreciated it, she was sweet for going through all the trouble!) So, here now, is what happened when it was my turn. Bryce and Topher were caught up in conversation among themselves. Topher signed the poster without looking, trying to show off for Bryce. (Who, by the way, is waaaaaaaaaay hotter in person!). Thomas Hayden Church seemed to be off in his own little world, and he printed rather than signed, which makes his the only really legible autograph on the poster. Kirsten Dunst was next, she said "Hi" (I sighed. She's cute, but Bryce takes the cake!) Then it was Tobey Maguire's turn. I actually felt curagious at this point, and I asked if I could shake his hand. He said yes, and I did. I was like "Whoa, Spider-Man touched me!" (And not in the dirty way!) And finally Sam Raimi was next. Which brings me back to the shirt I was wearing. Sam Raimi was impressed with it. He asked where I bought it, and said that it was "Very Cool" (his words). I mustered up enough sense to tell him that I had been hoping that they would sign it, but we were told that we couldn't have personal items signed. Which is when Sam said, "I'LL SIGN IT!!" I couldn't believe it. I handed him the bottom of the shirt, and he signed it. I thanked him, and proceeded out the door. I was still in shock and awe that I was so close to all these people that I never thought I would ever meet.By that the time I was out of there, the Convention had drawn to a close for the day. We tried to make our way back to the exhibition floor, but security was already turning people away. So, reluctantly, we made our way out of the Convention Center and walked to our car. With a 2 hour drive ahead of us, we were glad to be off our feet, but wishing we were home already. We grabbed a quick bite to eat, and made our way up Interstate 5 with nothing but our swag and our memories to keep us company. I did buy a few Comic Con exclusives though:Star Wars 501st Stormtrooper (Vader's Fist) from Hasbro
Macross VF-1S Valkyrie (Fully Transformable) from ToynamiI also picked up a Bowen Designs Carnage Mini-Bust that I had been looking for for a while to complete my Venom/Spider-Man Symbiote Mini-Bust Set

All in all, it was a very memorable experience, especially for it having been our first ever Comic-Con. Hopefully next year we'll be able to go and experience it all over again! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Mecca of Nerdom: Part 1

My friends, my name is Omar,and I too am a nerd. Yes, it's sad but true. The man you've all come to admire and respect is indeed one of the tragically unhip. (Cue ominous music!) And, as such, I too made the pilgrimage towards San Diego for this year's Comic Con.

We arrived at the San Diego Convention Center bright and early this past Saturday, around 9am or so, which turned out to be a very good time. Shortly thereafter, the lines for registration grew very rapidly. We filled out our forms, and proceeded to pay for our admission, which is where we got those nifty passes, and made our way to the line for the entrance.

Once inside we made our way to the first of two panels that we were really excited about that day, the Lost panel. It basically covered the Season 2 DVD, of which some goodies were shown, the mobile phone "Mobi-sodes", and some Q & A about the show in general, including the future and Season 3. On hand for the panel were actors Hugo Reyes (Hurley), Daniel Dae Kim (Jin-Soo Kwon), and producers Damon Lindelof, Bryan Burk, and Carlton Cuse. The panel was very entertaining, and surprisingly funny. We lasted a good hour and a half in there, from which we proceeded to walk the floor.

This was my first time in Con, like I stated
previously, so when we first hit the floor, I literally pissed my pants. (Luckily there was a restroom nearby, and any unsightly stains were quickly eliminated! j/k). I was awestruck by what I saw. The first costumed people I saw were the Spidey couple above, who had already drawn a crowd, so I snapped my own picture. They were only the first of many of the costumed aficionadoes that we would see that day.

There were definitely a lot of Star Wars fans, and a lot of Star Wars merchandise on display, as well as for sale. I like a lot of the Gentle Giant items that were on display,
especially that animated maquette of Boba Fett. (Although the life size one that was on display with Han Solo in Carbonite was pretty bad ass as well!)

There were a few Star Wars celebrities on hand as well. Just walking past the Official Pix booth we saw that Carrie Fisher was on hand for an autograph signing, but she had stepped away. Also at the same booth, however, were Amy Allen (Aayla Secura) who had also stepped away, Temuera Morrisson (Jango Fett), and David Prowse (Darth Vader in suit) who I managed to snap pictures of.

At the McFarlane booth I was able to get a
look at the new Spawn Series 30 figures, which have more of an animated look, as well as the Lost figures, which look so realistic, and capture the look and essance of some the key cast members. The first wave contains Hurley, Locke, Kate, Jack, Charlie, Shannon, and a diorama of the hatch with Jack, Hurley, Kate, and Locke looking into the ominous opening.And just as we made a second round of the McFarlane booth, none other than Mr. McFarlane himself stepped into the booth for a taped interview piece for some camera crew. So, I crept around him and managed to snap a picture of him in mid-interview.

Spidey was in full force all around the Convention. Either in merchandise, or on display, and little did we know that Spidey would end up being such an important part of that day. While in line to get into the Convention Center, there was a staff member asking if anyone wanted Spider-Man's autograph, whatever that meant. So, of course, not wanting to pass up the opportunity, we all said yes, and reached into a bag full of raffle tickets. Long story short, my brother pulls out a winner, and we have a date with the cast of Spider-Man 3 at 6:45pm. Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion of our day at Comic Con 2006.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

This Just In...Millions of Nerds Migrate Towards San Diego!

This week Comic-Con 2006 hits the San Diego Convention Center. For those of you who don't know, Comic-Con is the largest convention held in the country that focuses on comic books, movies, toys, and other such nerdylicious hobbies. This year, I have decided to make the pilgrimage to San Diego to experience this massive undertaking first hand. I only fear that my eyes will be opened to the promise of heaven on earth, and I decide not to return. I shall pack my bib (to eliminate drooling), an empty bottle (to eliminate the need to visit a restroom), and, of course, a very cool costume (to eliminate the threat of being recognized!) I'll be sure to take pleanty of pictures, and I'll have a wrap-up of my experience up as soon as possible. Stay tuned True Believers! EXCELSIOR!

Visiting Home

Well, it's been a while since my last post. Extreme temps here in SoCal has made it almost unbearable to sit in front of the computer for any prolonged lengths of time, but I decided it had been too long. There are a few things I'd want to write about, but lets start with this week's Los Angeles Galaxy update. They faced off against Chivas USA as the visiting team in the good ol' HDC. This is the 7th time that these two teams play in the "Super Clasico", and it is always a matter of pride, especially for the visiting team. Both fanbases come out in full force, and it is always a volatile mixture. Both teams came out swinging during the first half, keeping both keepers on their toes. Donovan and Gomez were the driving force once again for the Galaxy, but after the halftime break, the threats on both sides were reduced considerably. It became a battle of defense, and in the end, there was no way to overcome either side. Final score, 0-0. Both teams earn a point, and the Galaxy have gone 5 games without letting in a goal, and without losing. Next up, the Columbus Crew welcome us to their home turf on the 22nd. Let's make it a win this time Fellas!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Getting Caught in the Web!

The Spider-Man 3 media blitz has slowly been building steam. Hot off the heels of the trailer that was released a few weeks ago, Sony has released the official teaser poster that will be hitting major theatres sometime soon. This movie seems to have embraced the theme of duality, not just between Peter Parker and Spider-Man, but Spider-Man and the Red and Black. (You comic nerds will know what I mean by that!) I personally cannot wait to see this, and every little image that Sony releases just makes me more excited. (And not in a dirty way...well, maybe just a little bit!) The poster is lenticular, which is just a fancy way of saying that it changes depending on the angle you view it from. To see exactly what I mean, check this out. Spider-Man 3 swings into theatres May 4th, 2007. (Just in time for the Cinco de Mayo holiday!!)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Happiest Place On Earth!

One of the great things about living in SoCal is the proximity to so much family entertainment and attractions. At any given time, we're less than an hour away from California's major theme parks. Six Flags Magic Mountain, Disneyland and California Adventure, Knott's Berry Farm, and Universal Studios. The family and I recently made the trek to Disneyland to celebrate my younger brother's birthday. It was a little belated, seeing how his birthday is on June 20th and we made it to Disneyland on July 8th. The Saturday after his birthday just happened to be the day when the premier of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was to be held at the park, so they were going to close waaaaaaaay early. So we settled on the 8th because it was the day after payday, and it is always good to go to Disneyland with a little cash to your name. (It's a bit pricey!) We started our journey bright and early, trying to avoid any traffic, and we spent quiet an enjoyable day at the park (despite the surface-of-the-sun-like temperatures!) At the end of the day, we all ended up with blisters, and the post-Disneyland Muscular Dystrophy and body aches that is the price for visiting the "Happiest Place on Earth". So, here now loyal readers, is our visit to Disneyland via pictures. Enjoy!One of the main reasons we were coming to Disneyland in the first place was to see the newly revamped Pirates of the Caribbean ride with characters from the movie.Once we reached the park, we quickly made our way to Space Mountain, which my brothers had never ridden. This is a shot of the interior "loading bay".Afterwards we rushed on over to Star Tours, which is the Star Wars themed ride, where I snapped this shot of a famous couple. (R2-D2 and C-3P0 in case the picture is too dark!)Directly across the way was the Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters, which lets you shoot light guns at targets, trying to beat your partners score. I lost to a girl! This is a picture of a map that was on the wall inside.From there we made our way to Autopia, where we get to drive around in small gas powered cars. I snapped a few shots from my car as I drove along. I liked this one.We left Tomorrowland, and made the trek towards New Orleans Square and the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Here's a shot of one of the three new Captain Jack Sparrow animatronic inside the ride. (Sorry it's a little dark!)Next we trodded to the Haunted Mansion. I remember I was so scared of this ride as a kid, but now, I can't go to Disneyland without riding it. There's just something about how cheerfully spooky it is. This is a shot of the funerary carriage that is placed outside the mansion.We stopped for a bite to eat afterwards, once we got our Fast Passes for Splash Mountain. We had pleanty of time to kill until then. After eating, we headed over to Fantasyland to watch the Snow White's Enchanted Musical. Here's a shot of the stage before showtime.We split off hear, half of us went to It's A Small World, and my girlfriend and I visited Toontown to get Fast Passes for Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin.When we came back to meet up with the rest of our group, Walt Disney's Parade Of Dreams was just getting ready to start. So I snapped a few pictures of it, and this one was my favorite.Afterwards we walked back to Toontown for the Roger Rabbit ride. I got this shot of the fountain just outside of the line.Next, we hopped on the good ol' Disneyland Railroad and rode it all the way to New Orleans Square once again. I snapped this shot from the train at the Main Entrance station. That's the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror in California Adventure in the background.Once at New Orleans Square we walked over to Critter Country where we made our way to Splash Mountain, and what would certainly be a soaking. Here's a shot of Briar Rabbit after the big plunge.Next, we moved over to Frontierland and headed to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. I got this shot of the dinosaur fossils when the train was pulling back into the station.Then it was off to the Matterhorn Bobsleds, after trying to avoid the traffic created by the second parade of the day. They are re-building the submarine ride into a Finding Nemo ride, so I snapped this shot as we waited in line for the Matterhorn. (My Favorite Character!)We then headed back to New Orleans Square near the Rivers of America to get a good spot for Fantasmic. Along the way, I snapped this shot of the newly redecorated Sleeping Beauty's castle.As the sun went down, we sat in our spot for Fantasmic, had a bite to eat, and enjoyed the show. Shortly afterwards we made our way through the massive crowd, back to Sleeping Beauty's castle to watch the Remember...Dreams Come True fireworks spectacular. (Gives you goosebumps, I'm telling ya!) We did a little shopping (those are my Disneyland souvenirs above. Sense a theme?), and made our way out. We walked through Downtown Disney for a bit, and then headed home. It was a great day spent with family. The only downside is the post-Disneyland blues you get when you leave the Happiest Place on Earth, only to remember that the rest of it isn't. Oh, well. There is always next time. (Forgot to snap a shot of Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye, sorry!)