Monday, August 06, 2007

I'm Back!! (For How Long? Who Knows!!)

Man, it certainly feels like it's been a long while since I've been here, sitting at my computer, and blogging about the goings on in my life. To be quite honest with you, I don't know what made me drift away for so long, but I've kinda come to miss it. I know that I've missed a lot since my last post, so I won't waste too much time trying to catch you all up. I'll just do a quick rundown of the highlights, and we'll move on from there. It seems that April 16th was my last post, which is almost 2 and a half months ago. (Man, laziness can be a very powerful thing!!) At the end, I guess I felt that I was running out of things to write about, perhaps being a little redundant. But, no matter! I love what I love, and I love sharing it. So, with that being said......How much ass did Transformers kick???? I mean, seriously?? Who could have predicted that that movie would be so monumental. Yeah, I know, the inner geek in me wanted exactly this to happen, but the realist in me had it's doubts. Not only was it huge, but it was also good. I mean, for being what it was (a movie based on a line of toys?? Bratz, I'm looking in your direction!) the expectations weren't too high. I, secretly believe, that having Steven Spielberg on board made all the difference in the world. He's always been one of my favorite directors, and that's mostly because his vision of the worlds he portrays is so close to the way I tend to see things. His interests mimic some of my own, and Transformers just solidifies that notion. In the end, who gave a damn whether or not Optimus Prime had flames or not. I came out with 3 main thoughts: 1). When is Transformers 2 Coming Out??, 2). Was Jazz Killed (R.I.P.) Because He Was Black??, and 3). How In God's Green Earth Can Megan Fox Live Amongst Us Mere Mortals??? I was not disappointed, but I am definitely having withdrawls. The DVD can't come quick enough!!Next. New Colors. New Logo. New Player. The Los Angeles Galaxy has undergone a transformation all it's own. The arrival of David Beckham has been a little lackluster, but that is mostly due to the fact that he hasn't played more than 15 minutes since his arrival. An ankle injury while playing for the English national squad, has settled Becks promptly on the bench, for at least one more week. And, unfortunately, he's been witnessing a very disorganized Galaxy team. I don't know whether the looming shadow of Beckham has intimidated the rest of the team, but they need to overcome that very quickly. Soon Beckham will be fully incorporated into the squad, and he needs to demonstrated the skill that comes with that very hefty price tag. At least the new uniforms, team colors, and logo were not a disappointment. The color combination is awesome: navy blue, gold, and white. The uniform is top notch, especially the blue. And the logo is much more contemporary. Now, if we could only add a few more wins under our belt, maybe even grasp the Superliga championship (Since we did so poorly during the World Series of Soccer!), maybe, just maybe, Frank Yallop can keep his job. We'll have to wait and see on that one.I've got a confession to make. Before this June, I had never been to Las Vegas. (I know, I know! It's crazy right??) I mean, here I am, 28 years old, and had never once been to Sin City. Not even after I turned 21. But, I am glad to say, that as of this June, I have popped my Vegas cherry. That's right!! I can now walk through life with my head held high, and say "I have been to the capital of opulence and decauchery, and survived!!" I was fortunate enough to share this experience with my gilfriend and her parents. (It was her mom's birthday!) I had a blast!! So much fun. I spent 3 days and 3 nights at the lovely and quaint Casino Royale, conveniently located across the way from The Mirage. I don't think I've ever been so hot, and I don't think I've ever walked so much in so little time. But it was worth all the sweat and the sore feet. Our last night there we watch The Cirque Du Soleil: Love show at The Mirage, which is based on the music of The Beatles. It was totally awesome, and I just long to be able to watch it again. At least I have my memories, and I have my girlfriend to thank for that. (Thanks Babe! I Love You!)Last month my adoptive nephew, Joshua, was baptized. Man, I can't believe how big he is getting. In fact, it seems like only yesterday that he entered our lives. He's getting so big, and just too cute for words. He's definitely going to be a little lady killer. The picture above is of his parents (the two in the middle), and the godparents (the two at the ends). The lovely young ladies on the right are two of my closest and dearest friends in the world. So close, that they are like my sisters. I love them sincerely, and it's just the greatest feeling in the world to be able to share moments like these with them. We've been together since our senior year of high school (Our 10 year reunion is this year!). And we expect to be together for many more years to come. Friends like these, you never let them go. Thanks for being the way you are!July 26th saw the arrival of Comic-Con to San Diego, and just like last year, we migrated along with our fellow nerd brethren to the mecca of all things geeky!! This time around my girlfriend was fortunate (or unfortunate enough, depends on who you ask) to experience the magic that is Comic-Con along side us. We encountered the typical madness, perhaps a bit more seeing how this is the first year that Comic-Con has completely sold out on all days of the convention. (Yay Nerds!!) We sat through the "Supernatural" panel. (That one was for my girlfriend!) And I got my hands on some tasty Star Wars exclusives. There were a lot of cool toys on exhibit, and plenty of movie related swag. Iron Man was big presence this year, and they actully unvailed the Mach 1 armor at the Marvel Comics booth. It was a great crowd. As always, a great event. Totally fun, totally crazy. Can't wait to go again next year!!Continuing our boycott of the Playstation 3, (Hefty Price Tag+No 3rd Party Support+NoGood Games=Not PS3 For Me), we have gotten into bed with the mistress that is the Xbox 360. But not just any Xbox 360, mind you! Oh, no! The Xbox 360 Elite! It is a beautiful black sleek machine, and the contrast goes nicely with my Nintendo Wii. We are 2/3 into the Next Generation (The PS3 being the 3rd), and we can tell right away that these are 2 very different animals. Where the Wii elaborates more on bringing together families, as well as gamers and non-gamers alike, the Xbox is pure gaming at it's best. If you are a hardcore gamer, and my brothers definitely are, the Xbox is the way to go. The graphics are amazing, and they are getting some of the best titles to be released on the market. (Not to mention that they get so many more Star Wars titles, and the sits very well with me!) I've yet to take this beast for a proper spin, but from what I've seen (my brothers have Gears of War and UEFA Champions League), this thing is wicked. And, having gotten Xbox Live for 13 months, this system provides a little something more than the Nintendo Wii does. (But the Wii will always be my baby!)

Well, that's it for now. At least that's all the highlights I can remember off the top of my head. If I remember anything else, I'll be sure to jot it down. Once again, I'd like to apologize for the delay to all my loyal readers. (All 3 of you!) I'll try to not let it happen again.

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