Thursday, February 22, 2007

Supply and Demand

I took my camera out with me this past weekend, just to see if I could snap some shots of anything interesting. You never know when the situation will be just right for that perfect picture. Anywho...we wandered into our local Target, as we tend to do at least once a week, and were browsing through the video game aisles. Ultimately we came upon the PS3 display area, and as we looked down, what do our humble eyes discover? At least 8, yes 8, Sony Playstation 3. Granted, this isn't the first one I've come across in the stores, but it is the largest amount of consoles that I have come across this far in ANY store. I was so taken aback, that I just had to capture the monumentous occasion.Afterwards, I decided that it would be a neat little comparison if I snapped a picture of all the Nintendo Wiis that the Target had in stock that same day, at the very same time. (It was about 11am or so). Needless to say, I was not surprised by what I found at the Wii display case. After all we had be through in acquiring one, it was to be expected. This just goes to show you how the laws of supply and demand function in our society. And also that quality, as much as cost, are very important factors. Do yourself a favor, pick up a Wii or an Xbox 360. A PS3 just isn't worth it at this point in time. The games aren't there to support it. But is you want a BluRay player for less than $1000, by all means, grab a PS3. But it'll be almost a year before the games that will make the PS3 a must-have item start showing up on shelves. Most of the people I know are anxiously anticipating Gran Tourismo 5 and a new GTA game before they drop $700 on a PS3. I believe that the PS2 is where I stop with Sony. (Maybe a PSP sometime in the future). But for now, I am very happy with my Wii. Keep it up Nintendo!

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