Saturday, March 24, 2007

King Of Swing!

This weekend was the big on-sale for the Spider-Man 3 movie toys. The big three: Wal-Mart, Target, and Toys 'R Us, were all having events and tie-ins associated with the releases. So, of course, I got sucked into the hype. The big deal with this movie, and subsequently with the toys, is the appearance of Venom and the Symbiote costume. I took it on myself to hunt down all the Venom and Black-Costumed Spideys in the set. (I know, I'm just a big kid at heart! I can't wait for this movie!) Our day started off bright and early at the Wal-Mart.There were a few people there already waiting, but I didn't think it was for the Spidey toys just by looking at them. When they opened those doors, everyone made a mad rush to the toy aisles. Now, I had gone in there knowing that Wal-Mart was going to be carrying an exclusive Spider-Man toy (Above), so I made that my priority. I had one of my brothers with me, so that helped a lot. While he scavanged for our predetermined list of figures, I concentrated on searching for the exclusives. I found 3, grabbed 2, and someone else snagged the last one. (SCORE!!) There is a Venom version of the figure as well, but it is going to be released in the following weeks. (So, now we play the waiting game!)Most of the people there were older, grandparents and parents, and they were following our lead as to what would be the hottest toys to grab. They kept rummaging through our cart, eyeballing our every move. It was a bit unsettling, but in the end we came out with what we set out to get. There isn't a New Goblin or a Sandman in my haul, but I'm pretty sure those will be the common figures. So here is the breakdown of what we got:

Web Capture Venom and Spinning Symbiote Attack Venom:Super Kick Attack Spider-Man and Super Articulated Spider-Man (Black Costume):Super Articulated Spider-Man (Red Costume) and Symbiote Attack Spider-Man:Spider-Man vs. Venom Symbiote Ooze Figure and Venom Jaw Trap Ooze Figure:Target also had an exclusive Sandman vs. Spider-Man Battle Pack, so I picked one up as well:And these little guys here, the Super Mini Heroes, were just too cute to pass up! Especially Venom with his little tongue sticking out! (Yeah, I know, no need to say it!):And earlier in the week, I happened upon these little guys as well at our local Target (They are already hanging on my wall, as you can tell by this picture!):All in all, it was a good haul. Only a few figures here and there that I'd like to find, but no rush. (When all else fails, eBay!) We hit as many of our local stores as possible. For being an event, Wal-Mart was the only on that seemed to treat it as such. The Targets where either understocked or cleaned out, while the Toys 'R Us were true disappointments. Anywho, the exclusives made it all worthwhile, I'm sure they'll just increase in value as time goes on. (They only made 3000 of those Wal-Mart exclusive Black-Costumed Spideys!) My next big toy binge will probably be for the Transformers movie toys, but that will probably be in Late May or June. Until then, I gotta find room for all this stuff!

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