Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Ballad of Roland and Susan

Issue #3 of The Dark Tower series The Gunslinger Born was released yesterday. And true to form, it is one great read with visually stunning artwork. As a Stephen King fan, when I first heard that this project was going forward, I was equally excited and hesitant. Excited because it would finally be an opportunity for the world to gain a visual representation of images that have lived in the imaginations of readers for more than 20 years. Hesitant because there is always the very real possibility that they could get it wrong...very wrong. But, I'm relieved to say, that those fears have been lifted, and this very talented group of artists whom have taken on this immense burden have my blessing to continue for as long as they can produce this high a caliber of work. Now, onto the story at hand. When last we saw our heroes, Roland and his Ka-Tet had been sent forth to the Barony of Mejis on a reconnaissance mission to determine the Barony's allegiance: Whether to the Affiliation or to the traitor, John Farson. We were introduced to the Big Coffin Hunters, the new authority in Majis, and to Susan Delgado, the future love of Roland's life, and a woman with a secret.Issue 3 picks up with the meeting between Roland and Susan. (And, once again, Richard Isanove's coloring is just amazing!) Throughout the Dark Tower series, Susan has always been Roland's one true love. So it was important that their relationship was visually and emotionally stunning. I think that this series has succeeded in that respect. Unfortunately, both Roland and Susan have secrets during this first meeting, and lie to each other to protect them. Susan is promised to a man, at the behest of her dead father, who is married, but cannot produce an heir with this wife. Still married, he is to lay her, and she is to produce a child. Roland, secretly sent as a spy, instead tells her that he is there to take inventory of all supplies that can be used by the Affiliation in the fight against Farson.And speaking of Farson, we get our first glimpse of this ominous threat that hovers over most of this story. As previously stated, this is a world that has moved on. Simply put, in this world, a cataclysmic nuclear attack/war occured, leveling most of the buildings, and killing most of the people. Our story takes place several hundred years later, in a time where the world still has not fully recovered from the catastrophe. In fact, not only has it not recovered, it is in fact getting worse. Couple that with the potential toppling of the Dark Tower, and you have the makings of the end of all existence. We meet up with Farson in another place, perhaps maybe even in another when. What we do know is that he has found the weapons of the "old ones", and fully intends to use them. All he requires is fuel, namely oil. Oil that can be found in the Barony of Mejis. Oil that is up to Eldred Jonas and the rest of the Big Coffin Hunters to retrieve. Farson is becoming impatient, and Marten reassures him that things are going according to plan. But that isn't exactly true. At the local bar, one of the Big Coffin Hunters has a rather unfortunate encounter with a very simple fellow. There are words exchanged, and soon, the Big Coffin Hunter demeans this meager soul. As he forces him to lick his boots, Cuthbert Allgood, with his mighty slingshot in hand, orders the man to stop. He draws a gun on Cuthbert, and Cuthbert in turn takes off a couple of his fingers with his slingshot. Soon another Big Coffin Hunter shows up, pulls a gun on Cuthbert, and he finds himself suddenly outnumbered. Or does he? At that moment Alain Johns shows up, and pulls a knife on on the newly arrived hunter. It seems that Cuthbert would be safe after all. Or would he?? Just then, Eldred Jonas steps into the bar, and with that he puts a gun to Alain's back. It all looks bleak for our friends as they find themselves right smack dab in the middle of a good ol' fashioned Mexican standoff. Luckily Roland finds the most opportune time to arrive, and the standoff is soon dispersed by the Mayor himself. Roland and Eldred shake hands, and are off on their way. Unfortunately, as civil as their parting was, there is no love lost between the two Ka-Tets. Eldred has deduced that these boys are no regular boys. They behave like Gunslingers, and as such, they must be dealt the most fatal manner. Roland, dealing with his mixed emotions for Susan, and feeling somewhat betrayed by her, must put his feelings in check if he and the rest of the Gunslingers wish to come out of this mission alive. We're right in the middle of it now. The relationship between Roland and Susan deepens, and as happy as we are for them, it can only end in tragedy. Issue #4 is a month away. Can't wait! Stay Tuned!

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