Monday, April 02, 2007

Prime 11: Hardcore Robot-On-Robot Action!!

As we get closer and closer to the July 4th premiere of Transformers, we fanboys get treated to more and more goodies. Take, for instance, this snapshot that showed up on Yahoo!'s movie site. It's a perfect example of what we geeks are so anxiously awaiting. We desperately want to see some hardcore giant robot-on-robot action. (But not in the "Let me put my dipstick in your tailpipe" sense!) Here we get a pretty good glimpse at live action Optimus Prime getting ready to put the beatdown on decepticon baddie, Bonecrusher. And a few days ago we were treated to a couple of new TV spots that feature all-new, never before seen footage. (Like our first look at Frenzy, and our first complete on-screen transformation, courtesy of Starscream!) This movie looks so bad ass, that there are no other words to describe it than bad ass!! They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, let me just let these pictures speak for themselves.

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