Saturday, January 28, 2006

Giddy As A Japanese School Girl

A word on the Nintendo DS: I'm a Nintendo guy, pure and simple. My brother has a PS2, my other brother wants an XBox, but I will always remain true to Nintendo. That being said, what is up with the dimly lit screens? The Gamboy Advanced offered better graphics, but god forbid you try to play outdoors on a sunny day. Then came the Gameboy Advanced SP. I personally loved this system. I got the blue one as soon as it came out. I couldn't bear to part with it when the DS came out, so I gave it to my girlfriend for safekeeping. Now, the DS is a great system, graphics could stand to be a bit crisper, but beggars can't be choosers. The two screens, a novelty at first glance, have been greatly underused however. Although it is nice not to have to switch screens in order to look at a map to see where the hell you are, but the true nature of the touchscreen is to be touched. That being said, the games that have made the most use of the touchscreen have been your less-than-typical game fodder. (eg. Nintendogs, Trauma Center, Electroplankton). Games such as this bring the most diehard nintendo gamer down to the level of a Japanese school girl. I face ridicule for not only buying, but thoroughly enjoying games such as Nintendogs or Meteos, but damn if they don't have their entertainment value! I just got a copy of Electroplankton on Friday, and although it is nothing more than a light and sound creator, it is fun and addicting, as well as creative. Colors, lights, and music result as you manipulate these microscopic creatures with your stylus, your voice, your clapping, or your breath. (Yep, your breath!) What other game can boast such a claim? None! So, hand me my plaid skirt and my knee-high socks, for a Japanese School Girl Am I!!!

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