Friday, September 29, 2006

A Wii Bit of News

Coming from the Nintendo HQ, the Wii now has a price and a release date. It will be released her in the states on November 19th (Just in time for the holiday season!) and will set you back about $250. Which, compared to the other consoles, is not bad. (Can anybody say $600 for a PS3??) Of the 3, the Wii seems mostly likely to have greater entertainment value, what with the motion-sensored wireless remote control and nunchuk attachment. The system will be bundled with a Wii Sports game which includes Golf, Baseball, Tennis, Bowling, and Boxing, and has a ton of features, such as Wii Channels that allow you to upload pictures, check your local weather, and even create your own digital character to represent you in games! And with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess promised at launch, I better start saying goodbye to the ol' Cube. Wii, here I come! Weeeeeeeeee!!!

Hungry Like A Wolf

Paid a visit to our local Game Stop recently, video games to be traded in hand. There are just some games that you buy in the spur of the moment, and at the time they give you pleasure, but you soon come to find that their replay value is low or non-existent. So, with our handful of lost causes, we looked into trading for something new and exciting. We got quite a bit for our haul, so we had enough for a few games. I picked up a couple for the Nintendo DS, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, and Magnetica. But the real gem of the lot was Okami for the PS2. OH MY GOD! Am I in love with this game! The story is great, the artwork is awe-inspiring, and the play is exhilirating. If I were to compare it to anything, it would have to be The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for the Game Cube.
The artwork and the animation are completely new and original. They are based on traditional Japanese water brush art, and even implement the artform into the actual game play. The game allows you to turn the screen into a canvas, and with your mystical brush, allows you to manipulate the environment for your benifit. The story is that of a mythical Shinto Sun, Amaterasu, goddess that is revived in the form of a white wolf. Legend tells of a white wolf that helped to vanquish the 8-headed serpent demon known as Orochi, who would plague the local townspeople by demanding a sacrifice each year. A local swordsman known as Nagi, decided to put a stop to the ritual once and for all, and with the help of his sword, Sake, and the white wolf, was able to defeat and imprison Orochi for almost 100yrs. On the verge of the 100th year celebration of Orochi's defeat, the great demon was unleashed yet again, and evil roams the landscapes of Nippon.In honor of the great white wolf's courageous feat, a statue was erected. This same statue was awaken, and thus, Amaterasu was reincarnated. You take the reins as the wolf with your trusty companion, a diminutive artist that provides guidance and comic relief. At first, I was skeptical about doing battle as a dog, but after the first fight, you learn that there is much more to it than that. You gain devine weapons along the way that you carry on your back, and your brush can also prove quit lethal, as you can convert the battle scene into a canvas, and quickly take out your enemies with a single brushstroke.The landscapes are beautiful. Every single detail looks like a work of art, literally. All the lines are brushstrokes, and the characters you encounter are done in the traditional Japanese style. This game is immersed in the Nippon culture and mythology, and it makes you truly appreciate it that much more. The music is great, the open-ended environment is great, the entire game is great. It has consumed 16 hours of my life since Saturday, and I can't wait to get back to playing it. I highly recommend this little gem, well worth the $50 price tag. (Which was paid in video games!) I give it a 10.

Staked Through the Heart, and You're To Blame!!

I'd like to take this opportunity to remember those loved ones that we have lost this past TV season. Most notably, from news released this morning from one of the show's co-stars, is Blade the TV Series. Why, SpikeTV, Why??? I undestand that the numbers were not there, I know that you were probably losing money as the season progressed, and I know that the acting and dialogue was cheesy at best. But, dammit, it was a fun hour for all of us Blade movie fans and comic book geeks. Leather, blood, bare asses! What more could a Fanboy ask for?? But, alas,it was all for naught, as the proverbial plug has been pulled on our beloved guilty pleasure. We can only hope that this does not mean death, but rather a transition into the undead. (Read: Season 2 on CMT???) Well, at least we have the DVDs to look forward to, and hopefully that will be enough to soak up all the blood. (Or, if they're sharp enough, to create new wounds!) R.I.P. Blade the TV Series...We hardly knew ye!

Prime 6- All That Jazz!

Slowly, other Transformers begin to reveal themselves. (And not in that sick pervy way!) We've gotten fleeting glimpses of what Jazz is supposed to look like in the movie. We know that his alternate form is that of a Pontiac Solstice this time around, instead of the classic Porsche we're all used to. We had a long distance full body shot from a shot set-up. But now, comes the exclusive conceptual design of what the newly overhauled Jazz is gonna be sporting this 2007 Summer season. You can check it out here. After Optimus, this is my 2nd favorite design so far. You can still see a little of the old Jazz in there. (Especially with the visor over the face!) Principle photography has wrapped, and the movie moves into post-production. It's only a matter of time before we see some fully animated Transformer effects, and perhaps a theatrical preview before Christmas. We can only hope!

I Am Iron Man!

From the Jon Favreau camp comes word that the casting has been made for the big screen adaptation of the Iron Man comic book. For a long time Tom Cruise's name had been batted about as the frontrunner for doning the crimson and gold armor. But due to recent personal and public developments, he has fallen out of the graces of many studios and fans alike. So, with Favreau on board, (he played Foggy Nelson in the big screen version of Daredevil), the pieces are slowly falling into place for the latest Marvel license to come to the silver screen. This morning it was revealed that Robert Downey Jr. would play billionaire industrialist (alcoholic!) Anthony Stark. Granted, Robert Downey Jr. is a very good actor, he's come a long way since the Brat Pack, I just don't see him as the Iron Man type. He's in the same camp as Matthew Brodrick and Michael J. Fox, in that they never seem to age as they get older, so he still looks like he's 18. But, I had my doubts with Tobey Maguire at first, so it'll come down to the performance and the realism of the film. This, my friends, is a wait and see situation. I'll keep you posted.

Galactic Letdown!

I won't drag this out. I'll make it as short and as painless as I can. We went to watch the Galaxy take on the Colorado Rapids on Sept. 16th at the good ol' HDC. It was a fun evening with family, loved ones, the works. The game was evenly matched, unfortunately it was matched for the worst. Only a handful of exciting moments made the 0-0 tie a little bearable. But still, it wasn't a loss, so that was good. The Galaxy were at a point where they needed to win the next 4 games in order to maintain any hopes of advancing to the playoffs. Their first obsticle was the Chicago Fire, as the Galaxy flew to Illinois only to be handed a 2-1. Our lone goal coming from Captain Landon Donovan. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. Now, we are forced to win all 3 of our remaining games, but even that does not make advancement certain. But before those 3 games, we had the U.S. Open Cup final, once again in Chicago against the Fire. From what was quickly becoming an abyssmal season finale, the Open Cup was our only glimmer of hope. If we couldn't repeat the league championship, we could at least have the Open Cup. Not so, my friends. The Fire were, well, on fire, and the Galaxy defense was no match for their attacks. The final score was 3-1, with a lone goal made by Alan Gordon. (Who had been inconsistent, as of late.) Well, on the verge of a very bad season finale, the Galaxy face their hometown rivals for the last time this season, as they welcome the Chivas on Saturday night. In this case, a victory would be doubly sweet. Good Luck, Guys! Let's Not Give Up!

Hey, Do You Remember the '80s?

Recently, I've taken it upon myself to try and relieve the tension of the work week by implementing Flashback Fridays. What that entails is me loading my iPod with nothing but flashbacks and '80s tunes. Everything from Big Hair to Power Ballads inhabits the airwave of my FM transmitter, affectionately named KOMR! There are mixed reviews on the content, not everyone agrees on Paula Abdul or The Go-Go's, but everyone seems to look forward to Fridays now, besides for the obvious reasons. They make requests, they sing along, and they laugh (a lot!). But love it or hate it, they all appreciate the effort to make their Friday's a little less dull. KOMR, 89.1fm: Playing the S*it others won't!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Omar's Collection Spotlight #6: Marvel Select Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus

I promised you Eight-Legged Freaks, and I am here to deliver! Today's Collection Spotlight focuses on one particulary impressive looking action figure set from the Marvel Select line of figures. This set of figures distinguishes itself from the rest by delivering greater detail, posability, and accessories than the rest of the figures based on Marvel's Pantheon of Super Heroes. This is actually the 15th figure released, in what has now grown to a 25 figure set. Also, this is my first Marvel Select figure. There was just something about this set that called out to me more than its predecessors, or even any of those that have been released since. It is based on artwork created by Humberto Ramos during his run on The Spectacular Spider-Man. Although most of the Marvel Select figures usually feature a single main character with an intricate base or elaborate accessories, this one actually includes 2 fully posable, highly detailed figures, Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus. I guess what makes this such as great and appealing figure is THAT, right there. Just take a look at that image, and tell me it's not cool to see Doc Ock looming over Spidey. I think the best thing about this figure is how well Humberto Ramos' artwork translates into physical form. I first became familiar with Humberto when I began picking up a comic book titled Out There (Highly Recommend It! Great Artwork, Interesting Story). After that, he began working on Peter Parker: Spider-Man where he created a whole new look for the Green Goblin. Where this new version of the Goblin was more, well, goblin or elf-like, Doc Ock appears more menacing and ominous than previous incarnations. And this figure does a great job in conveying that feeling. Doc Ock has always been this pudgy, Roy Orbison-esque looking character, but with Ramos' overhaul, we see him as the fiendish criminal genius he was always intended to be. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Humberto Ramos, this figure set, and Alfred Molina's interpretation of the good Doc on the Silver Screen, have served to reinvigorate a character that has long been on the cusp of infamy, and who has now attained it.I picked this figure up at the California Science Center when we attended their Marvel Science of Super Heroes exhibit. They had set up a gift shop filled with comic book memorabilia right at the end of the exhibit. I saw it, the last one they had, and just had to have it. For $18 it was well worth it. For a collector, and a comic book fan, such as myself, it is always great to see the artwork that you love and appreciate take on a life of its own. And with such great quality work that is put into figures such as these, it makes it that much more gratifying. I give this set a 8 out of 10, it's just awesome. Next Up: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! Stay Tuned!

Win-Win Situation

The Galaxy have really been stepping up, now that the pressure to do well is upon them. From here on out, winning is essential to clinch a spot in the playoffs. And, being second to last in the Western Conference, it's even that more important. The only team as of now who has clinched a spot is the D.C. United, after that, it's anyone's game. This past Saturday, the Galaxy welcomed the Kansas City Wizards to the good ol' HDC. After an uneventful first half, Donovan was back in action as he set up Alan Gordon not once, but twice as Gordon scores 2 goals for the Galaxy in a 10 minute stretch. The Wizards managed to get one past Hartman in between Gordon's 2, making the final result 2-1. The Galaxy earn 3 desperately needed points, which ties them with the Real Salt Lake, and places them squarely within 3 points from a playoff spot. They would need to defeat the Houston Dynamo Sunday night in order to move ahead of the Chivas USA (provided that Chivas lose) and tied with the Rapids (provided Rapids lose as well). AND......Speaking of the Dynamo, they faced of against the Galaxy in what was one of 2 semi-final games in the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Tournament. The Galaxy have just been steamrolling through the competition during their quest for a second straight Open Cup Championship. Galaxy had home field advantage, as the good ol' HDC played host to this crucial game. The first half was full of close calls and near misses. Both goalies were kept on their toes, and after the first 45 minutes, the Galaxy had met with the Dynamo net twice (goals by Alan Gordon and Donovan) to Houston's 1. It looked like it would end at 2-1 when 3 minutes into stoppage time, Gordon-Vagenas-Quaranta triple touch play resulted in the Galaxy's 3, and game clenching goal. Final score, 3-1. The Galaxy advance to the Open Cup Final, and will face off against the Chicago Fire (who defeated D.C. United 3-0) on Sept. 27th, at Toyota Park in Chicago. The Open Cup is just one win away, but how far is the MLS cup? Hopefully not too far out of reach! Come On Fellas! Let's Make It Another Double Championship Year!

Prime 5- Big (Rig) Pimpin'!

It's been a very exciting couple of days for those of us who are anxiously awaiting the Transformers movie next year. After the somewhat fuzzy image of Optimus Prime with his blaster that was revealed a few days ago, here come a few that are slightly better. Just like the conceptual artwork that leaked out for Megatron, here are better views of what Big Bot is gonna be sporting next Summer Season (including our very first clear shot of what his face COULD possibly look like!) You can check front, back, and face by clicking on the links. The face looks slightly different than it did here, or maybe it's just the angle, so it could either look like this or may end up being completely different by release time. I'm just anxious to hear THE voice coming from this massive looking mech. And just this morning, there were a couple of images posted of what appears to be a film shoot setup depicting Transformers mayhem in the city streets. We get our first glimpses of other Transformers' robot forms, although it is a bit blurred, such as Jazz (Pontiac Solstice), Ratchet (Hummer), Starscream (F-22 Raptor Jet), and Bonecrusher (Mine Clearing Vehicle). You can check out the picture here. I'm not totally excited by the Starscream design, although I'm sure it makes sense in the real world, but that Bonecrusher looks like one massively badass motherf@%ker! And Jazz looks pretty cool too! Can't wait to see these things in action, and also the tie-in toys!