Friday, September 08, 2006

Omar's Collection Spotlight #6: Marvel Select Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus

I promised you Eight-Legged Freaks, and I am here to deliver! Today's Collection Spotlight focuses on one particulary impressive looking action figure set from the Marvel Select line of figures. This set of figures distinguishes itself from the rest by delivering greater detail, posability, and accessories than the rest of the figures based on Marvel's Pantheon of Super Heroes. This is actually the 15th figure released, in what has now grown to a 25 figure set. Also, this is my first Marvel Select figure. There was just something about this set that called out to me more than its predecessors, or even any of those that have been released since. It is based on artwork created by Humberto Ramos during his run on The Spectacular Spider-Man. Although most of the Marvel Select figures usually feature a single main character with an intricate base or elaborate accessories, this one actually includes 2 fully posable, highly detailed figures, Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus. I guess what makes this such as great and appealing figure is THAT, right there. Just take a look at that image, and tell me it's not cool to see Doc Ock looming over Spidey. I think the best thing about this figure is how well Humberto Ramos' artwork translates into physical form. I first became familiar with Humberto when I began picking up a comic book titled Out There (Highly Recommend It! Great Artwork, Interesting Story). After that, he began working on Peter Parker: Spider-Man where he created a whole new look for the Green Goblin. Where this new version of the Goblin was more, well, goblin or elf-like, Doc Ock appears more menacing and ominous than previous incarnations. And this figure does a great job in conveying that feeling. Doc Ock has always been this pudgy, Roy Orbison-esque looking character, but with Ramos' overhaul, we see him as the fiendish criminal genius he was always intended to be. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Humberto Ramos, this figure set, and Alfred Molina's interpretation of the good Doc on the Silver Screen, have served to reinvigorate a character that has long been on the cusp of infamy, and who has now attained it.I picked this figure up at the California Science Center when we attended their Marvel Science of Super Heroes exhibit. They had set up a gift shop filled with comic book memorabilia right at the end of the exhibit. I saw it, the last one they had, and just had to have it. For $18 it was well worth it. For a collector, and a comic book fan, such as myself, it is always great to see the artwork that you love and appreciate take on a life of its own. And with such great quality work that is put into figures such as these, it makes it that much more gratifying. I give this set a 8 out of 10, it's just awesome. Next Up: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! Stay Tuned!

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