Friday, September 29, 2006

Staked Through the Heart, and You're To Blame!!

I'd like to take this opportunity to remember those loved ones that we have lost this past TV season. Most notably, from news released this morning from one of the show's co-stars, is Blade the TV Series. Why, SpikeTV, Why??? I undestand that the numbers were not there, I know that you were probably losing money as the season progressed, and I know that the acting and dialogue was cheesy at best. But, dammit, it was a fun hour for all of us Blade movie fans and comic book geeks. Leather, blood, bare asses! What more could a Fanboy ask for?? But, alas,it was all for naught, as the proverbial plug has been pulled on our beloved guilty pleasure. We can only hope that this does not mean death, but rather a transition into the undead. (Read: Season 2 on CMT???) Well, at least we have the DVDs to look forward to, and hopefully that will be enough to soak up all the blood. (Or, if they're sharp enough, to create new wounds!) R.I.P. Blade the TV Series...We hardly knew ye!

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