Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This Past Saturday, Saturday, SATURDAY!!!

This past Saturday we bundled up the family (Grandma included), reddened our necks a little bit, and headed on over to Angel Stadium in Anaheim for the Monster Jam show. It's become somewhat of a yearly ritual with us. My girlfriend's nephew looks forward to it each and every year. (Ok, I'll admit, I do too!) It's been a pretty cold late Winter here in SoCal, very unusual for this area. (Temps have dropped into the low 30s here, and even lower in some other parts!) Saturday was no exception. Cold weather, wind, and nosebleed seats do not a pleasant combination make. Despite the frostbite nipping at our collective noses, it was an awesome show.We usually root for Grave Digger, and he did not disappoint. (More on that later!) But there were plenty of other cool trucks there like Maximum Destruction, Jurassic Attack, Bulldozer, and Hot Wheels, to name a few. The Monster Trucks are definitely the main attraction, but they always throw in a few other events just to change it up a bit. This year they had Quad Wars, Pro Stadium Trucks, and Auto Cross (Which was a mix between motor cross, and demolition derby). But we definitely go to see the Monsters tear it up.Our fav, Grave Digger was off to a good start, winning a few of the Monster qualifying rounds. But as the night progressed, he was slipping in the standings. Soon we knew that he had no chance of recovering, and the Monster race champ was Maximum Overdrive. But although the main event was over, the show was just about to begin. The Trucks then headed on over into the Freestyle competition, which is where they have their run of the course to try to win over the crowd. Big air and flips are usually what get the crowd pumped. There were a few close calls, one loudly popped tire, and one very awesome recovery by El Toro Loco. But then came Grave Digger.Grave Digger never manages to disappoint. The crowd is usually 100% Grave Digger to begin with, but that doesn't mean that he holds back. There was definitely some big air, some nice car crushing, a very awesome rear wheelie, and, what the audience craves, a flip. After attempting a few doughnuts, momentum finally got the best of Digger, and over he went. Needless to say that the crowd went wild, and that Grave Digger won the Freestyle competition. At $10 a ticket, it is definitely a fun night out for the family, despite the subzero temperatures. We'll most definitely be back next year! (For anyone interested, Monster Jam will be back this upcoming Jan. 27th at Angel Stadium. I highly recommend it!)

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