Monday, January 08, 2007

Me Wii!

So, I finally gave in. I couldn't resist it any longer. The draw, the allure, the pure seductive power. I'm sorry, My Love, but if you are reading this, I think I've found a new Mistress, and her name is Wii. Sleek, petite, and let's me be in total control. What more can one man ask for?? Sure it isn't much of a conversationalist, and it's fashion sense is a little bland. But for the sheer entertainment value, and the vigorous work outs (WINK WINK!), I'm willing to overlook it's shortcomings. This is definitely the little engine that could...beat out Sony's PS3, that is!! We were most fortunate to get our grubby little mitts on one early yesterday morning, after much fruitless searching the latter part of last week. Store would have them 2, 3, or even 4 one second, and literally sold out the next! Before you can even say Wii, they're gone from shelves. So delicate, that with but a whisper, it vanishes into the nothingness! (Poetic? Perhaps! A Nintendo Fanboy's Wet Dream Come True?? Definitely!)The Wii is so much more than just a gaming console, and I think Nintendo was right when they said that it would draw in the non-gaming audience as well as the hardcore gamers. 2 or 3 hours into powering it on, we were having a blast without having even inserted a game to play. The Wii channel menu offers so much more. (e.g. Shopping, Internet, Photo Uploads, Character Customization, Up-to-Date Weather, News Channel, etc.) And with 48 channel slots available, the possibilities are endless! We were having so much fun creating Miis (the little character that are your counterparts in Wii Sports games), and they ended up looking almost exactly like us. It's fun watching a little animated version of me running around the screen.From the Wii Sports game that comes with the console, my favorite has been the Wii Golf. Although Wii Boxing provides the best cardio workout, golf for me is the most user responsive. The Wii Tennis and Wii Baseball games don't give you much control over the characters. Other that swinging rackets or bats, you can't really control much character movement in the game. (It runs on auto-pilot, while you concentrate on flailing you arms and whacking balls at the precise moment!) Although, I have to admit that bowling it pretty fun too. For an in-package-included title, it's pretty good, and VERY fun.But, of course, the main reason any gamer was eager to get their hands on a Wii had to be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I wasn't going to play any games on the Wii until I had a copy of it in my hands. After trading in my old reliable Game Cube (Thanks for the $20 Game Stop!!), and some old games that we felt needed to be retired, I bearly had enough to snag a copy of the most sought after launch title for the Wii. And after immersing myself in the land of Hyrule for almost 5 hours at this point, it is definitely worth the wait and the hype. The graphics are exquisite, the story is enthralling, and the Wii-mote interactivity is very power-trippy! You can aim, swing, fish, gallop, and so much more with the controls. And with this being a 70hr+ game, I just know that the adventure is going to get so much better. (Most critics have given this game a perfect 10, and has been named game of the year as well!)All-in-all, I have to hand it to Nintendo for taking a stand, taking on Sony, and coming out on top. Of course, the Xbox 360 is currently ruling the market, the Wii is making a very impressive appearance at second, while Sony is a very distant third. And, hopefully, as time progresses, and the supply meets the demand, we will begin to see entirely new communities of non-gamers springing up on the Wii network. This truly is a console for everyone from 8 to 80. So, how about it? Can Wii be friends?? WAY TO GO NINTENDO!! KEEP IT UP!!

P.S. Could you please hurry along with Super Mario Galaxies, Metroid Prime: Corruption, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl? I'd really appreciate it.

P.P.S. Oh, and while you're at it, how about speeding up The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass for the DS? If it's not too much trouble, that is. Thanks!!

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