Monday, May 22, 2006

So Very Proud!

Today was a very special day for me. Forgive me if I get a little personal today, but I'm so proud that I can bearly contain it. You see, today was my girlfriend's pinning ceremony from the nursing program at Cypress College. She's been working so hard for this for 2 years, and today was the culmination of all that hard work and sacrifice.
It was a moving ceremony, pretty intimate. It was a graduating class of 39 students, so it was large groups of friends and family members that filled up the Cypress College theatre.
It was a very emotional ceremony. (I got teary eyed a few times). Mostly because those of use who share our everyday lives with these individuals understand just how hard it was for them to get this far. I know I do. The ceremony started with a video montage of the graduates as kids, and doing various activites throughout their academic career in the nursing program. That lasted a good half hour. Then the students all came in to thunderous applause and cheers. (37 girls, 2 guys).The keynote speakers were all very good. A few of the students who spoke were actually quite funny. (Even if I wasn't in on most of the jokes. Must be a nursing thing.) The whole thing lasted about an hour and a half. And I know that my girlfriend was relieved that it was over. Not because it was long or boring, but because it symbolized the beginning of a well deserved break for her...for all of them, actually.I was so proud to see her all dressed up in her nursing uniform. I know the countless hours that she devoted to studying. The numerous pages of information that she had to memorize. The emotional rollercoaster that she has been on these past 2 year. The shyness that she had to overcome in order to do her job. The large number of lives that she will no doubt touch with her gentle, caring nature. There are no words sometimes...sometimes you don't need them. I hope she knows how I feel. And I hope she knows that I want to be just like her. Love You Baby...I'm so very proud.

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