Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Wii Bit of a Revolution!

Yesterday I touched upon the big revelations that both Sony and Microsoft released upon the unsuspecting public. Well, today I shall lavish attention upon my favorite of all the consoles, the Nintendo Revolu...Huh?? What?? Where'd the Revolution go?? It's called the What now?? Wii? Oh, ok...The Nintendo...Wii...Okay, so one of the biggest announcements made by Nintendo was the name change for the console that was, until last week, code named the Revolution. Just when I was getting used to the new name, Nintendo goes and pulls the rug out from under me. Although the new name will take some getting used to (I can hear all the pee and penis jokes already!!), it doesn't make me any less excited about the promise of the new gaming experience that console will bring along with it.Last year Nintendo gave us the itch, they announced the console and also hinted at the possibilites of its capabilites. This year, Nintendo needed to live up to the hype, mainly by providing a playable console for the gamers to test drive. And they delivered. But, almost disappointedly so, that was mostly ALL they delivered. Besides a few titles that are making some welcome returns, and some old faces getting new facelifts, the main focus for Nintendo was definitely the Wii.They held their press conference on Tuesday morning at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood. And at their presentation they gave a live demonstration of the Wii's capabilites. The main draw or focus of the Wii is it's ability to unify people, both gamers and non-gamers alike, in the video game experience by allowing for ease of play and by expanding the gaming interactivity. The path towards this goal is pave with the new controller, or the "Wii-mote" as it has been so cutely nicknamed, and the Wii experience revolves around that.Long before Sony revealed that their controller would have a motion sensitive function, Nintendo had already cornered that market. (I guess it took Sony a year to figure out how to steal that too!). The Wii controller offers a wide range of possibilites. Seeing how it is supposed to allow you to play the ENTIRE Nintendo game catalog, the controller had to accomidate for the wide array of buttons, knobs, and joysticks that the Nintendo controllers have spawened. But it cannot do it alone! Nintendo has unveiled a wide range of attachments for the "Wii-mote".

We've already seen the joystick or "Nunchuk" attachment for the "Wii-mote". But there have been some revelations made about it as well. First off, it will also be motion sensitive, allowing for even more interaction between the gamer and the game. Also, it has been revealed that there is a built in speaker in the joystick that will allow for sound to travel from the gamer to the game. What does that mean? It means, that if Link shoots and arrow, you'll hear it leave your hand, and arrive on target on the TV. How cool is that?Nintendo has also unveiled what they are calling the "Classic" controller. If the thought of using the "Wii-mote" just doesn't sit right with the 8-bit gamer in you, then you can purchase this peripheral and feel like you're right back there in the '90s. It plugs into the "Wii-mote" where the joystick would go, and that allows you to keep the wireless aspect of the remote. It is vaguely remeniscent of the SNES controller, with the exception of the joysticks.Yesterday Nintendo announced that they are making a sequel to the classic NES title Duck Hunt, and on the heels of that announcement, we see the unveiling of the all new light zapper attachment for the Wii. There is a versatility with the "Wii-mote" that I think the other 2 consoles will be unable to match. Software wise, the Wii game discs are said to be slightly larger than the Gamecube's current discs. Title-wise the usual band of suspects are making an appearance.Everybody's favorite Plumber makes a triumphant return in glorious form, and in Space!! That's right, Mario puts on his little space boots and heads for the stars. I'm not too sure about the plot of this one, but I'm pretty sure that it's got something to do with Toad cloggin the john on Mars with a massive log. (I could be wrong!)Samus Aran makes a return appearance in what is rumored to be the final chapter in the Metroid Prime series. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption was unveiled at the Nintendo press conference, as well as visuals of gameplay with the "Wii-mote". Those crazy space pirates are at it again, attempting to corrupt planets with phazon and Metroids. Can Samus put a stop to it once and for all? She might...if Dark Samus wasn't waiting for her in the end!!! (OMINOUS MUSIC!)It seems like it's been 10 years since we've been waiting for the new Zelda game, Twilight Princess, but Nintendo promises that this year is the year. Still recovering from the news that it had been pushed from a spring release to a fall release, came news that Nintendo will release 2 versions of the game. One for the good ol' Gamecube, and one for the brand spankin' new Wii.Another big announcement was the line up for the new Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii. Titled Super Smash Bros. Brawl (or Super Smash Bros. Dojo), the line up sees the return of Mario, Pikachu, and Kirby, but they are not alone. They've brought along a few new friends. First off is Wario, who has been due to make an appearance for quite awhile now, seeing how popular his games have been lately. (Will Waluigi be an unlockable??) Next we have Pit from Kid Icarus making his first video game appearance since 1986. This is what the Super Smash Bros. franchise is all about, ressurecting classic characters, and making them KICK ASS!! Also announced was Meta Knight from the Kirby series, and Samus Aran in her slinkier, sleeker Zero Mission outfit (DROOL!). But the big kicker came when it was hinted that Mr. Metal Gear Solid himself, Solid Snake would be making a special cameo appearance in the game. It sounds like a pretty expansive line up, and who knows who the unlockable characters will end up being. (I heard the Nintendog Puppies are making an appearance as an item!) Personally, I'd love to see Simon Belmont from Castlevania make an appearance. There'd be nothing better than beating down Jigglypuff with Simon's whip!
Sonic the Hedgehog is also making a return appearance to the gaming world that brings him back to his roots. Sonic: Wild Fire sees Sonic doing what he does! Graphics looked awesome. He'll be coming to the Wii sometime next year. It'll be interesting to see what controlling him will be like with the "Wii-mote".
Well, that's it folks! That's the big E3 wrap-up. There was pleanty to see this year, and pleanty of announcements that shook the gaming foundations. Only questions left up in the air are how much will the Wii cost? (We were promised that it would be the cheapest of the 3) Will Blue Ray or HD-DVD win out? Will Zelda finally be released this year?? Who will win the console wars this holiday season?? And where can I get a loan at a reasonable interest rate so I can get a PS3?? When I know, you'll know! I know I may have been a bit biased in the end here, but there is just something about Nintendo. Call me a fool, but no matter what the price, I'm already sold. I WANT MY Wii!!!

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