Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Las Tres Comadres: The Next Generation

This past Saturday we had a very pleasant reunion with our little gang of friends. It's been a while since we've all been together, what with our various lives and all. But through everything we still manage to be as close as we ever were. These people are my best friends, and I would be lost without them. They've come to define much of my life, and I hope that in some small part I have done the same for them. I remember when we all met in high school, and how goofy we were whenever we were around each other. We hadn't known each other long, I was probably the newest one in the bunch, but we bonded immediately, and ever since then, we've been practically inseperable. Now one has gotten married and has a beautiful baby boy (You all might remember Fusito above? Well, look how big he's gotten!), one is going to start teaching 2nd grade kids at a charter school, and the other just passed her Nursing boards and will starts work at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles this September. (She's also just happens to be the love of my life!) Hopefully these little reunions will be a regular thing, we don't get together nearly as much as we should. And I'd hate for us to begin drifting apart after we've been through so much together. They're my sisters, and my best friends. I wouldn't be me without them. I Love You Guys! (Ummm...Girls!) And Fusito too!

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