Saturday, August 05, 2006

Reventon Super Estrella 2006!!

Last Saturday we were fortunate enough to attend El Reventon Super Estrella 2006 for local latin radio station 107.1. They play mostly latin rock/pop, and this is their annual multi-billed festival. This year was the first that it was held at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, which, if you remember, was the venue for the last concert that we attended this year. It was a very ecclectic line-up this year. Quite a few acts I was actually excited about, and some that my girlfriend really wanted to see. (Plus a few unknowns here and there). It started early, they began letting us in at 1pm. By 3:30pm the whole she-bang was underway. Here now are the acts that we saw, and my reviews of their performances.First off, Miranda. Now, I'll admit that I was a little hesitant about these guys at first. I hadn't heard any of their material before, so I wasn't what you would call a fan. And when they walked out on stage with their matching metallic futuristic jumpsuits, I wasn't preparing to take them very seriously. But, I'll be the first to admit that I was plesantly surprised. Their catchy retro-Euro-80's-Synth-Pop groove really got me going and, I think, really set a nice pace for the entire evening. Now, I can't get their songs out of my head, and I don't mind. Honestly, I'm really glad not only that I've discovered these guys, but also that I had the opportunity to see them live for the first time as well.Mach & Daddy were up next. These guys were the gratuitous Reggeaton act for the night. I believe that I heard that they are from Panama, and they currently have been getting heavy airplay thanks to their hit single "La Botella" (The Bottle). I was really disappointed with these guys. Not because I'm a fan or anything, these guys were another of the ones that I had never heard of. But to think, that somewhere in the crowd of 55,000 people who showed up for the show, there must have been some hardcore fans of these guys. And their entire performance consists of singing the same song 3 times. (Yep, 3 time!) It's not even a very good song to begin with. But luckily their time on stage was over quickly.Next, Gloria Trevi took the stage. Now, here was one of the evenings headliners. She's known in Mexico for her rebellious attitude, and her grungy fashion sense. Many of the girls in the crowd, including my girlfriend, grew up with her as a role model, and they've come to appreciate her music (despite scandals that have plagued her private life). She's a little older now, but she still maintains the rebellious in-your-face attitude. Her performance was pretty straightforward, bringing out some of her bigger hits from back in the day. Her dialogue with the audience seemed to be very heartfelt and inviting as she expressed her gratitude for all the fan's support and love. Overall, a good performance, especially when she started to climb up on the rafters.
Julio Preciado was up next. Now, here is the one act that seemed out of place. Super Estrella 107.1 is mostly a Latin Rock/Pop station. Julio Preciado is reknown for his influential Regional Mexican music. (Think Norteñas and Banda). I, foolishly, believed that he would stick out like a sore thumb. Boy, was I wrong. He managed to bring the house down, and bring the people to their feet. People were getting up out of their seats and dancing in the aisles and rows. His performance was a non-stop barrage of groin-grinding music that most of the crowd really appreciated. I could take it or leave it, but it impressed me that he was able to move the crowd so effortlessly. Next came Julieta Venegas. Here was someone that I was really excited about seeing. I've been listening to a lot of her music lately, and I've come to gain a new appreciation for her. I had been told about her years ago from a friend of mine, but just recently discovered her thanks to a string of popy radio hits. (She's a cutie with an accordion, and that doesn't hurt!) She played mostly the popular hits, and it was a pretty straightforward performance. I can't complain, I really like her, so I was happy to have been able to see her live.Next was one of the bands that my girlfriend was really exctied about seeing. Their name is Sin Bandera, and they specialize in poppy romantic ballads. There are only 2 guys in this band, but they were able to make the girl's swoon like nobody's business. I didn't mind them. Not really my favorite type of music, but I can appreciate good baby-making music when I hear it.Soon after, Belanova took the stage. I've heard a couple of their songs before, and they are really poppy and catchy. They have a female singer, and I really like her voice. She really worked the crowd. Not to mention she look really cute in her little jumper. I asked my girlfriend if we could take her home with us. Needless to say, we came home empty handed. Oh, well. They were another act that I wasn't expecting too much from, but I came to really enjoy. They have a cool digital-synth-dance-electronica style, and her voice just rounds everything out. So, from here on, the night started taking a more electric feel. The big acts were heading our way, and the crowd was buzzing with anticipation. First up was the First Lady of Rock in Mexico. She's somewhat like royalty, and she's considered an 80s icon by latin girls everywhere. Her name is Alejandra Guzman, and she brought the place down! She had a good balance of rocking tunes and some power ballads that all the girls sang along too. (Yep, even mine!) She put on a very dynamic and electifying performance, working the crowd as well as the catwalk. I was really impressed by her, but I shouldn't have doubted her, seeing how she always gives 110%. The evening was getting off to a good start.After a prolonged musical interlude by the DJs, which made the crowd go nuts! There was dancing, conga lines, grinding, stripping, and we even saw a guy in a white thong. (SHUDDER!!) After a good half hour or so of this, we finally got to our next performance. Now, when I heard Ricky Martin was playing, I wasn't expecting too much. I mean, he's been famous my entire life, and when he crossedover to english, he seemed to come and go. So I thought that perhaps he'd lost a little of what he had a few years back. I couldn't be more wrong. That he drove the girls wild goes without saying. There was girl next to us who had been mostly quiet and reserved the entire concert, but once Ricky Martin was on stage, I was half expecting her to toss her panties at him. She went wild, as did all the other girls in the crowd. Whatever Ricky had, he's still got it, and it looks like he isn't losing it anytime soon. His performance was solid and very dynamic. I wasn't disappointed at all by him like I was expecting. He also worked the crowd very well. A true Showman. (And man, can he sweat! He had to change shirt halfway through his performance!)Next, straight out of Spain, as well as the 80s, came Hombres G. Here was another of the acts that I was really excited about seeing. I've heard so many of their songs over the years. They are another of those true Latin Rock icons. It finally felt like a real rock show when they took the stage. And the crowd was loving every minute of it. They did a few new songs, but really brought it home when they did their classic hits. All in all, a solid performance.And finally, we get to the evenings headliners, RBD. We've come full cirlce with these guys. We were there for the very first show of their first ever USA tour, and here we were again at their last. This kids are something of a phenomenon. There were young kids in the crowd who suffered through all the other acts, just to get to RBD. There were more than enough fans dressed in the RBD style (which us basically a prep-school uniform), both guys and girls, and ALL the kids. So, once again, this was a very big deal. And at least this time around the weather was cooperating. They were going to put on a full performance, which they did, and the crowd really appreciated. Who knows if and when they'll be coming through these parts again. It was worth seeing them again just for my girlfriend's sake, seeing how much she likes them. Once again, they did not disappoint, and gave it their all. They are so appreciative of their fan's support, and it shows. A lot of people cut out early to avoid the heavy traffic flow, much to the dismay of a lot of kids who had been waiting for that moment all night long. A lot of people may not have known that they were putting on a full show either. But we stayed 'til the end, and it wasn't so bad getting out of there. All in all, a very pleasant day, and I hope that we may be able to do it again next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Running into this post was a blast from the past!! This was my first time seeing RBD and the last was as they closed out there 2023 tour. 😭 Thank you for documenting this memorable concert. ❤