Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Omar's Collection Spotlight #5: Clive Barker's Infernal Parade (Part 3)

Man, it seems like sooooooo long since I've done one of these. But thanks to the World Cup and other circumstances, this feature kind of got pushed aside. Well, I'm bringing it back folks!! The conclusion to Omar's Collection Spotlight #5 is long overdue. So here it is, the final installment in Spotlight #5, which, if you remember, has focused on my Clive Barker's Tortured Souls collection from McFarlane Toys. Where Series One showed us the Demonic face of pain and evil, and Series Two brought a more tortured Human element to these same concepts. Now, Series Three brings something completely new. First of all, it isn't called Tortured Souls anymore, although the collaboration between McFarlane and Clive Barker remain. This time around it was called the Infernal Parade, and it ventured away from the evil and painful, and immersed itself in the disturbing, weird, strange, and exotic. The motif for this series is based on a Carnaval sideshow, and all the odd (perhaps mad) characters that inhabit them. Of the all three series, this is the one that is most grounded in reality, perhaps making it the freakiest. Anyway, enough with the introductions. Step right up Ladies and Gentleman. Come one, come all! Feast your eyes on these fine specimens of human deviance!First, the Ringmaster of this little cavalcade! His name is Tom Requiem, and along with his little midget friend, he announces the arrival of his merry band of misfits. As menacing as this figure is, there is something oddly inviting about his stance and his demeanour. On the one hand, he comes across as a charismatic showman, and on the other, he seems just as likely to devour your flesh. Must be all the Voo Doo face paint and paraphernalia that decorates his outfit. A little bit frightning, but not so much on the disturbing side. (Perhaps slightly off-putting!) Anywho, we're off to a good start. Let's move along shall we?This delightful fellow goes by the name of The Golem Elijah, and doesn't he just look sooo cute and cuddly?? Don't worry, the worst that could happen is that he claws your face off and eats it in front of you while you helplessly stand paralyzed and witness the entire ordeal! Freak, maybe? Inbred, perhaps? Not sure about this one. All I can really say is that those bars don't look nearly as strong as they need to be. Whatever this poor fellows story is, you can bet that he's only thinking of 3 things...Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner! How about we move along? I suddenly don't feel so safe!On to the ladies of the big top! First, we have here Ms. Bethany Bled, or the Iron Maiden as she likes to refer to herself as. This beautiful, but deadly, creature is no stranger to pain. (As you can clearly see!) She's not afraid to be impaled by dozens of steel-hard rods at the same time. (If you know what I mean, *wink*wink*!) All kidding aside, how she manages to surivive after being penetrated by...having spikes thrust into her...ummm...There isn't any way to say it that doesn't sound like a euphemism, is there?
On the whole, (Or hole!! lol Okay, I'll stop now!) this is one of the nicer female sculpts
that McFarlane has produced, alongside our next guest.This is Mary Slaughter. Now, don't let the name scare you off. She's nicer than it might lead you to believe. She's so nice, in fact, that even if you are a complete stranger, as many of you out there undoubtedly are, she has no problem swallowing for you. (There I go again!!) All kidding aside, there seems to be a sense of euphoric calm that radiates from this figure, despite the compromising position that Mary seems to have gotten herself into. She hangs from her very skin, but she still manages to concentrate solely on swallowing the sword. (Get your mind out of the gutter!) And by the look of all her tattoos, you can tell that Mary is no stranger to pain.From beauty, we move once more to the beast. Literally! Here is a slight twist on the whole Lion Tamer act. This act is called The Sabbaticus: Bleb and Heeler. (Bleb is the hairy fellow!) Heeler, the diminutive fellow, places his fate in the hands of mother nature, and the feral instincts of the beast that is The Sabbaticus. Blinding trusting in the ties that bind master and servant, or owner and pet. But there is one thing that Heeler needs to ask himself before he sticks his head in the jaws of the beast. Did he remember to feed it today? Oh, well, let's not stick around to find out!And finally, we come to our last act. Or perhaps exhibit is a better word for it. Here we have three vials, each filled with the preserved remains of some of Dr. Fetter's greatest discoveries. They are living (pardon the expression) proof that Mother Nature herself could be crueler than any mortal man. Although, Dr. Fetter was a very close second. He did, after all, hunt these three down after their last escape attempt. It remains to be seen wether or not they died of natural causes. Oh, well. Perhaps we could pay the good doctor a visit, and you can address any questions you may have regarding the family directly at him. Hey, where are you going? Hello? The tour isn't finished yet! Hey! Come Back!!

Well, at long last, Spotlight #5 comes to a close. It'll be a while before I do another series like this. I think I'll stick to just individual items. For example, Next Up: Eight legged freaks! Of both the arachnid and cephalopod varieties. Stay Tuned!

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