Thursday, December 28, 2006


So, what did Santa leave you underneath the tree?? Me, I got a few nerderific items. (No, no Wii, but that's ok!) It was a good Christmas this year, I was able to surprise a few people with their gifts, and in return I was surprised as well. Here are a couple of the Treasures of Geekdom that befell me this holiday.The Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition DVD Boxed Set. This set contains all 4 Christopher Reeves Superman movies, the new Superman Returns movie, alternate versions of Superman I and II, and a few documentaries. 14 discs in all, plus a reproduction of Superman #7 comic, and an offer to get 5 free movie posters. WOW!! When they say Ultimate, they MEAN Ultimate! I'd like to thank my special lady for this very cool item.And speaking of my special lady, she managed to surprise me with this little number. It's a pewter reproduction of the capsule Superman landed in from Superman Returns. It's a nice item, looks very organic and technological all at once. It has a cool stand that's shaped like the Superman shield. It has been placed nicely among my mini-busts and statues. (Thanks Babe!)My brother surprised me with this cool little set that I had seen online, but not in stores. It is a miniature replica set from Master Replicas of Link's sword and shield from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. These little items are intricately made, and they weigh quite a bit, seeing how they are made from actual metal. The detail is incredible. And the fact that it comes with the soundtrack for the game is a definite bonus! (Thanks for the surprise, Guys!)Also managed to snag Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for the DS. I've been hearing nothing but rave reviews for this game, most reviewers calling it the handheld game of the year. So it was a pleasant surprise to find this stuffed in my stocking. (As dirty or uncomfortable as that may sound!) I haven't picked up a Castlevania game in a while, and this makes me want to find all those titles I missed out on. (Nothin' like whippin' a few zombies to shreds! Thanks bro!)
I also got a whole bevy of Spider-Man and Venom items from the good ol' wholesome Hot Topic. A Venom chain wallet, a Spider-Man leather wallet, a Spider-Man belt, and a Venom long-sleeve thermal shirt.All-in-all, we were very fortunate this year, in both giving and receiving. The best gift of all, however, was being able to have my Grandmother here with us. (Everything else was a very close second!) I want to thank everyone for their generosity and their thoughtfulness. I hope you enjoy your gifts as much as I know I will enjoy mine. What do you say we do it all again next year, huh??

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Flame On!!

The Fantastic Four 2 media blitz is off and running. The first official teaser trailer has been released today, and let me tell ya, it is ALL about the Silver Surfer. I liked the first movie for what it was, an attempt to introduce the world to these beloved comic book icons. But this sequel is beginning to look like it may be more for the comic book fans than just the mainstream audience. I promise you that if there are any glimpses of a Galactus anywhere in this film, fan boys are gonna cream their underoos. Anyway, enjoy this fun teaser in the meantime. It's got me excited!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Prime 9: Optimus Prime...Cover Model??

In what has to be one of the coolest Transformer movie pictures that I've seen released thus far, Optimus Prime has now taken the mantle of cover model. Empire Magazine has found Prime worthy of gracing their cover. There is just something monumental and imposing about this shot of Optimus. (Could it be that I have a man-bot crush?? Nah!) Anywho, enjoy the image.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and an extremely Happy and Prosperous New Year. I know that there may only be a handful of you out there that take the time to read my page, but I wish to thank each and every one of you for listening to my rantings, and caring about what I have to say about subjects that may only be important to me. But they are important to me, and as such, I am also grateful to have a forum such as this to express my seemingly trivial opinions and thoughts. May you have the Happiest Holiday season alongside your loved ones. Me, I'm taking advantage of the fact that my grandmother is here with us this Christmas. This is my first time meeting her, and that makes it so much more memorable. Again, thanks for reading. I promise to keep writing! HO HO HO!

Marvel-ous News!

With Marvel franchises such as Spider-Man and Ghost Rider looming on the horizon that is 2007, the chain of comics-to-film has been growing ever steadily. Already in production is the sequel to the Fantastic Four. Entitles Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer, this film is looking to dive into one of the FF's most famous story arcs. The Silver Surfer, an alien being endowed with the Power Cosmic by the planet-devouring Galactus, makes his first feature film debut. There has been some anticipation and some apprehension as to what he will look like on film, seeing how he is a being entirely covered in chrome silver. This week we got our first look at the Surfer, and, to me anyway, it seems more like a starting point than a finished product. Hopefully as time progresses there will be some fine tuning done to get the look just right. Here, take a look:On other Marvel movie news, the official Iron Man movie website has been launched. There is nothing important on there but a register-for-update link, which is standard practice, but we also get our first look at what seems to be the Iron Man logo that will be used for the film. I was slightly disappointed with the Ghost Rider logo, but this seems to be going in the right direction. Hopefully director Jon Favreau will do Tony Stark right. What do you guys think?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"The Man in Black Fled Across the Desert..."

This February Marvel begins production on a comic book series based on Stephen King's most monumental work, The Dark Tower. For the first time ever, the Gunslinger's (Roland Deschain) world will be intricately and intimately explored through visual means. Seeing how a major motion picture is far off, and perhaps maybe out of the question, this may be the next best thing for both King and Tower fans. I know nothing can compete with the reader's imagination, but Marvel has a prestigious history of beautiful artwork, captivating storytelling, and enthralling characters. I can't wait to be able to visit Roland's world again for the very first time. I'll keep you posted as news develops. For now you can watch the trailer here.

Prime 8: BEHOLD!

Here it is, the new Transformers movie trailer! Bask in the glow of all it's glory!! It looks pretty BADASS! Those brief glimpses of Optimus are goosebump inducing! Cannot wait until July!!

Friday, December 15, 2006

From the Comfort of Home

The holiday season always means a mad rush to the stores for those last-minute Christmas gifts. This year we got a pretty good head start on things. (I've been shopping in the store on Christmas Eve before, so anything sooner than that is a big step!) We started on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving), and haven't stopped since. But if you're like me, and very few of you out there rarely are, your perfect idea for a gift isn't always easily found at the local mall or department store. No, an alternative source must be found...and that is where the internets come into play. Now, I've done online shopping before during the holidays, even benefited from some holiday rush payment blunder in my favor (FREE!!). But I think I've done the large part of my gift giving acquisitions, particularly for one very special person, online. And as such, this past week has been like Christmas everyday. I come home from work, tired and dirty, maybe a little cranky, but I walk into my room and what do I find? A package waiting for me! (Technically it's not for me, but you get the idea!) I never know who's the fastest shipper, so the package could be any of a wide variety of items that I have ordered. And therein lies the fun! Although not technically for me, the pleasure I have in opening a newly received package is entirely mine!

Family Ties

So, it has been a little hectic here at the old household these past few days. There are events unfolding that have us all very excited and exhilarated. After 27 years of existence in this world, this week I will finally get to meet my maternal grandmother. (That's my momma's momma, for those of you keeping track!) My mom is her only daughter (she's also got two sons), and we're my mom's 3 boys (no girls!). My baby brother has been the only one to hop on a jet with my mom to got to El Salvador about 10-12 years ago. I don't know exactly why, perhaps money, perhaps school, but the opportunity has never come up for me to fly down there. It doesn't look likely that it ever will, either. But I also never expected for my grandmother to fly up here, let alone in time for the Holiday season. I think this year will be truly special. I'll finally get to meet the source of the voice on the other side of the phone. I'm planning on taking plenty of pictures. 'Tis The Season!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Prime 7: I'm Ready for My Close-Up!

These past few days have seen various Transformer movie images come to light. It started off with various shots of the toy prototypes which are supposed to be the tie-ins for the movie next year. You can check those out by clicking on this link and this one. I like the Barricade figure, which is the Mustang done up as a Police car, and the Bumblebee figure, which is the yellow Camaro. (Can't wait to see what the Bumblebee as the 2007 Camaro figure will look like!). And hopefully the Optimus one will be massive to go along with his movie counterpart. A trailer would be cool, but I can understand if they decide not to use on in the movie, or even for the toy for that matter. Then we got our first look at the robot mode concept art for Ratchet, who is a yellow emergency vehicle in the film. You can check that out here. There certainly is a very angular style that is being established for these live-action Transformers. It's not as easy as it was with the cartoon to discern the alternate mode for these guys, but I guess that has to do with the real life physics of the world we live in. Then, we finally got our first look at some CGI rendered Transformers, which gets us one step closer to actually seeing them on screen. I especially like the way Bumblebee is turning out. (Opposed to a buddy of mine who is planning on boycotting the film just because Bumblebee isn't a Volkswagen Beetle like in the cartoon!) Of course, the Optimus looks awesome, and I'm liking Barricade as well. But I'm still not sure what is going on with Megatron. I guess we'll have to wait for the movie to find out. Less than 7 months, and counting!