Friday, December 15, 2006

From the Comfort of Home

The holiday season always means a mad rush to the stores for those last-minute Christmas gifts. This year we got a pretty good head start on things. (I've been shopping in the store on Christmas Eve before, so anything sooner than that is a big step!) We started on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving), and haven't stopped since. But if you're like me, and very few of you out there rarely are, your perfect idea for a gift isn't always easily found at the local mall or department store. No, an alternative source must be found...and that is where the internets come into play. Now, I've done online shopping before during the holidays, even benefited from some holiday rush payment blunder in my favor (FREE!!). But I think I've done the large part of my gift giving acquisitions, particularly for one very special person, online. And as such, this past week has been like Christmas everyday. I come home from work, tired and dirty, maybe a little cranky, but I walk into my room and what do I find? A package waiting for me! (Technically it's not for me, but you get the idea!) I never know who's the fastest shipper, so the package could be any of a wide variety of items that I have ordered. And therein lies the fun! Although not technically for me, the pleasure I have in opening a newly received package is entirely mine!

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