Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Need A Hero!

Not since Lost has a television show captured the imagination of the country. NBC's Heroes has stepped up, and shown that is it more than just a show about superheroes, superpowers, and tights. This show is so much more than that. It is about potential. It is about isolation. It is about being different. It is about coping. It is about growing up. It is about humanity. And it is about what happens next. What happens next to man? We've learned what we have evolved from, but what is it that we'll evolve too?? Much like the X-Men movie franchise, this show addresses the subject of superheroes in a more realistic and organic fashion. These heroes have real problems, and real messed up lives and families. These ordinary people gain extraordinary abilities through unknown means, and it is up to them to decide what to do with those abilities. Of course good and evil, good guys and bad guys always comes into play. But is it treated in a much more gritty and realistic manner. There isn't just black and white, but a lot of gray as well. After 6 episodes, we have already invested so much into these characters that we can't wait to see what comes next. And with real comic book artists and real comic book writers playing a large part in its development, us real comic book readers/fans are completely enthralled. We may be lost, we may be confused, but we do know one thing for sure...Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!

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