Sunday, April 16, 2006


Spent a good afternoon last night at the Honda Super Clasico at the good ol' Home Depot Center. Galaxy vs. Chivas USA, where Galaxy was the visiting team. Needless to say, that we knew we were in for a rough night, being Galaxy fans in a sea of Chivas aficionados! From the moment we parked our car, not even getting out of the car yet, we were being heckled because we were wearing our Galaxy jerseys, that should give you some idea how heated this rivalry is.We made our way towards the will-call area to pick up our tickets, when we heard a thunderous noise and saw smoke coming up the main street leading into the HDC. A huge crowd of Chivas fans were making their way towards the stadium carrying a large banner, and setting of fireworks. They were chanting something or other, didn't really get a clear grasp of what they were saying. I took advantage of the time my brother was in line in the will-call area to make my way to the Team L.A. store, and picked up my brand spankin' new Galaxy jersey. I picked the away jersey, just because I like the way it looks better than the gold. Dropped 73 bones on that bad boy, but it was definitely worth it. We then made our way into the Stadium around 7:30pm (game set to start at 8:00pm). We sat in the northwest corner that was specially reserved for Galaxy fans, it just also happened to be right next to the General Admission seats for the hardcore Chivas fans. Right from the start it was a shouting match. We may have been few, but we held our own. On the field, the boys were warming up. I think this is the first Galaxy game we've been to where they were the visiting team.The game kicked off at about 8:15pm, which was not soon enough having sat through a mariachi band, the Chivas Girls, and the Chivas team enterance. We were beginning to feel a little out of place and unwelcomed. But the Galaxians and the Riot Squad soon brought us all together in a swelling sea of Green and Gold. The first half went scoreless, newbie Galaxian Cornell Glen missing about 4 scoring chances. (Pando, anyone?) Halftime saw some more crappy music, and pleanty of heckling from the surrounding Chivas fans. The second half kicked off, and right off the bat, BOOM! Chivas score. That just set the Chivas fans off! I mean, fights almost broke out between both groups of fans. Unfortunately, Kevin Hartman was now directly in front of the hardcore Chivas group, and he was pelted with confetti and streamers. They had to stop the game for a few minutes to clear off the field. Despite his first half might-have-beens, Glen stepped up in the second half and scored two goals, one off a header from Landon Donovan, the other off a cross pass from Donovan. (The second goal was in the middle of the 7 minutes of stoppage time the ref had allotted, which didn't go over well with Chivas fans!)The Galaxy players came to our corner to pay their respects, and we ours to them. They played a great game, keeping the Chivas on their toes. Their first win of the season, and an important one seeing how it was agains the rival team. Fights almost broke out in the stands, we were barraged with insults and heckles as we made our way across the parking lot towards our cars, but we still kept our heads held high, because in the end, we Galaxy fans knew that we kicked Chivas's ass! (A win is a win, 3 points!) Next week they take on the Columbus Crew at the HDC.On an unrelated note, bought a bike today. "Why is that important?" you might ask? Well, I haven't had a bike since I was 8 or 9. I haven't ridden a bike in about that long as well. I just felt it was time that I had one. My girlfriend's been telling me that I should be more active. I thought this would be a good way to do that. Found one I liked at Wal-Mart, and went to pick it up yesterday morning. I went out with it for about a half-hour this morning, and man, it's true, you never forget how to ride. It felt great, and I'm glad I decided to get one. I probably look like a spaz in my helmet though. (Oops! Sorry, British! Did I say spaz? I meant to say windowlicker!)

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