Friday, April 21, 2006

Omar's Collection Spotlight #5: Clive Barker's Tortured Souls (Part 1)

(This will be the first part in a three part series focusing on the Todd McFarlane & Clive Barker figure line called Tortured Souls. This entry will cover Series 1, which was released in 2001.)

At first glance, the Tortured Souls line seems like a throwback to the characters we've become familiar with in the Hellraiser movie franchise (also credited to Clive Barker, one of the masters of the horror genre!) Like I've stated before, I'm not a big fan of the horror genre in general, but there was something about this set that appealed to me. I don't know if it was the elegance of the figures themselves, despite being in varying degrees of carnal mutilation, or the way the figures were produced, in such a manner that they are almost sculptures instead of figures. (That's the McFarlane way, and one of the main reasons why I've collected many of the Spawn figures, as well as other series' produced by McFarlane). Each of the 6 figures in series 1 comes highly detailed, and included with each one is a chapter to an original story by Clive Barker that revolves around these characters. (Possible the source material for an often rumored Tortured Souls movie!) But enough talk, let's meet the gang, shall we?


First up, Agonistes. Talk about a facelift! This poor guy had his whole face removed altogether. (That would be that piece of flesh stretched out over his head on that rig he's carrying!) He wears a "crown" of metal spikes and blades, and has surgically implanted various metallic enhancements. Poor sucker doesn't even have eyes to see just how ugly he is. (As you can see, the costumes are very remeniscent of the Hellraiser series.)Next, is The Scythe-Meister. Why is he called The Scythe-Meister?? Well, I'd think it would be obvious from the large SCYTHE he is carrying. Here's another guy who is trying to get rid of those unsightly wrinkles...TO THE EXTREME!! Meister here has his face, still in place, tightened and stretched to a point behind his head on that rig he's carrying. His eyes, nose (what's left of it), and mouth have been bound in leather straps. See no evil, speak no evil...smell no evil?? (Naw, that can't be right!) He's also got various hooks and chains accentuating his ensemble. (They're in this season, you know?)Here we have Lucidique, the First Lady of Tortured Souls. (Hand check, Gentlemen!) She makes disfigurement and mutilation look sexy, almost. This young lady has something going on with her hair that can only be described as Predator-esque (That's ONE Ugly Mother!) Her outfit is slightly more revealing then those we have seen so far, but that makes sense. I mean, come on! Just look at her! There is far less blood and gore on this figure than the others, but the hooks and chains make a welcome return. There is nothing wrong with a girl who's into leather, am I right guys?This poor fellow is Talisac. Okay, now this guy, he's all honked up! I mean, look at him!! Seriously, what is wrong with you people! First of all, the dude is hanging from his face. FROM HIS FACE!! He's got these hooks that are connected to chains, that are connected to that death-trap of a base he's on. Second, his skin has been flayed and opened over most of his body. Third, he's got this giant artifical womb shoved up his keister. (With GOD knows what growing inside!) Fourth, he's on life support! Does that bag of blood and all those tubes look healthy to you? No, didn't think so! (By the way, if you can't tell, this is my favorite figure in this series...hehehe).Let me introduce Venal Anatomica. Out of all the figures, I think that Venal here is the one that looks the most intimidating. (I mean, I wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley, would you?) He looks massive, like he could just break you in two by just breathing on you. The chains and hooks are back, with a large meathook on his right arm thrown in for effect. He's got this blade coming out of his left shoulder that looks pretty bad ass, but just slightly forced on him. And under that protectice skull dome he's wearing, is a face that only a mother could love. (If she survived the savage mutilation that this guy no doubt put on her when she forgot that he likes his sandwiches cut at an angle, and when he opened up his Scooby Doo lunch box at school and saw that she did it wrong, and then he began to cry because he knew no matter how hard he tried he wouldn't be able to eat his favorite PB & J because he was too upset, and so the other kids made fun of him and called him Little Anal Venal Sobby Pants...Kids suck!)And last, but not least, Mongroid. He's a Mog, half-man, half-dog! He's his own best friend! Or is he?? (DUM DUM DUM!!) Words almost fail me here. Okay, not only does the dude have 4 hands, he could probably work with that. (There's gotta be girls out there who would keep his hands pleanty ocupado, if you know what I'm talking about Ladies? *WINK WINK*) For some bizzarre reason or other, the guy's gut has been transformed into a large, gaping maw, complete with teeth, drool, and a hole that leads who know where. His real mouth has been gagged, and he's got this look of horror in his eyes. Perhaps from thinking about how he's gonna pick up after himself, you know, when he's gotta go! I sure hope poop doesn't come out of that mouth as well. (Of course not! That'd just be weird!)

Well, Boys and Girls, that's it for Part 1. Come back in a few weeks for the continuation of this disturbing voyage into the world of the macabre. Up Next: Tortured Souls 2: The Fallen! (If you thought these guys were weird, you ain't seen nothing yet!) Wait, is that a double negative? Does that mean that you, in fact, HAVE seen something yet? Hmm...Discuss amongst yourselves...

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