Thursday, April 13, 2006

A New Way To Kick It Old School

It's nice to live in a time when all the games and characters that you grew up with as a kid are starting to make a resurgance. With the new DS console, Nintendo has brought back to the spotlight those 8-bit heroes of yore. I've already updated my collection with the new versions of Tetris and Metroid for the DS, and with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess being pushed until November by Nintendo (probably to coincide with the launch of the Nintendo Revolution), I was pleasently surprised to hear that Nintendo is realeasing a brand new Super Mario Bros. adventure game as well as an all new Zelda game, both for the Nintendo DS.The New Super Mario Bros. is the classic side-scrolling Mario Bros. game in a while, and the first for the DS. In classic Super Mario fashion, Bowser and his cronies have kidnapped Princess Peach on Valentine's Day, and it is up to Mario once again to rescue her from his vile clutches. Of course, being on the DS, the game has to have new game elements utilizing the DS's new features. The top screen displays game-play, while the touch screen serves for just that purpose, to touch. Items that are collected, such as mushrooms and fire flowers, are displayed on the touch screen, and they are selected by touching them with the stylus. Some underground bonus levels are played on the touch screen, but for the most part it serves as an information screen. There are a few new items in the game, such as the Giant Mushroom which does just that, make you a giant Mario or Luigi. There is also a Blue Shell, which Mario or Luigi can ride as it rockets them forward. One really cool new element to the game is Mario and Luigi simultaneous play. Yep, that means that both brothers can be playing at the same time! There will also be some mini-games that will be unlocked as you progress through the game. The release date for the game has been tentatively set for May 15th, 2006.
The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass will be the very first Zelda title for the Nintendo DS, and it looks very remeniscent of The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker for the Gamecube. The animation and the style is exactly the same, with Link looking like a little kiddie cartoon. But I have to admit, despite not totally loving the graphics of Windwaker, it was an awesome game. So I am willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt. Very rarely does a Zelda game ever disappoint.There isn't too much information revealed about the game as of yet, other than a few screenshots here and there, and a short demo video. You can pretty much figure that Link has to travel through Hyrule to defeat Ganon and his minons yet again, in an attempt to rescue the Princess Zelda. As long as they find new and creative ways to keep you entertained, you don't mind the fact that you are basically playing the same game over and over again.Like the New Super Mario game, you will be able to utilize the DS's touch screen for various tasks during gameplay. From what I saw in the preview video, you are able to solve puzzles with the touch screen, mark targets and paths for your boomerang throws (very handy for multiple targets or opponents!), and also you are able to chart a course on your sea map which your boat will follow. (Also really cool!) There is no specific release date for this game other than it will be released sometime later this year.

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