Monday, May 29, 2006

Invading the Corridor!

Well, it looks like it has finally happened. My collection has overrun the confines of my room, and had started to invade the hallway of our apartment. "How did that happen?", you may ask. Well, that's a good question. My mom, god bless her, has finally had enough of my recent purchases taking up residence on our bedroom floor. Seeing how my walls are completely covered with figures and other collectibles, she took it upon herself to mount some of my items (namely my Star Wars Transformers) to the hallway walls.Today, I headed over to my local Wal-Mart (THAT's how I celebrate Memorial Day!! j/k) on my usual toy run (don't laugh!), and was lucky enough to come upon the new wave of Star Wars Transformers figures. So I made a mad dash to the cashier, and picked up these puppies. (Which, by the way, aside from the Chewie and Han Milennium Falcon that is soon to be released, may be the last of this entire series of figures!)This wave includes the Emperor Palpatine/Imperial Shuttle figure, the Jango Fett/Slave I figure, and the Clone Pilot/ARC Fighter figure. (The Emperor/Shuttle figure is my favorite one, although the Clone Pilot/ARC Fighter is pretty kick ass too!) I had to re-arrange the figures already up in the hallway to make room for these guys. While I was at it, I decided to put up some pictures my friend gave me, that I had framed a while back. I think they came out pretty nice, actually.Don't get me wrong, I have got PLEANTY of stuff in boxes that hasn't made it to the shelves or the walls yet, due to limited wall or display space. But perhaps, some day, when we have a place of our own, I'll have an entire room to myself in which to showcase my collection. Until then, I'm trying to work out some sort of rotation plan, so that they at least get some display time. After all, these items are to be admired. (Yes, I'm confident enough in my geekiness to put it up on display for the entire world to see!) I hear your scorn and ridicule, and I accept it. Can't wait to get my hands on that Chewie/Han Falcon. (Did that sound dirty to anyone else??) I mean, come on!! Look at it!!


Ava said...

i know him, i know him!!! that friend you speak of. :-)

Anonymous said...

You made a few excellent points there. I did a search on the topic and hardly found any specific details on other websites, but then happy to be here, really, appreciate that.

- Lucas