Monday, February 20, 2006

Family Portraits

Now that I got this camera, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to meet the rest of the family. You've already been introduced to Buffy who, while technically does not belong to me, is considered very much a part of this family.First there is my pet Betta, Gandalf. He's a pretty cool fish, blue with red and green streaks, he's pretty mellow most of the time. He likes spending time inside the cave in his little rock decoration. Somehow, a few weeks back, he managed to escape from his bowl. Yes, a fish jumped out of it's bowl! I was as startled as you are. He'd never done that before, and he hasn't since. But let's just see if it isn't part of some elaborate escape plan, shall we? He's my first pet ever, although he was originally meant to belong to the three of us, my 2 brothers and I that is. But that changed when they got their own pets. Which brings us to number two on the countdown...Buster the bunny. He belongs to my youngest brother, and he came into our family last 4th of July. He was much, much smaller back then, maybe 1/4 the size he is now, and we were fooled on a couple of things with this guy. First of all, we were told he was a dwarf rabbit, and wouldn't grow very big. LIES!! And second of all, Buster started life as Tinkerbell. We were told by the vet herself that it seemed to be a girl, but with rabbits, it is not easy to determine age when they are younger. So for about 3 months we settled on the fact that it was a girl. Then one day a penis emerged, and Buster was born! He's friendly and mischievous. He's already learned how to escape from his cage! And speaking of cages, here comes number three...Boba Fett the Hamster. He's the newest addition to the family, belonging to my middle brother. He's a dwarf hamster, and he spends most of his day sleeping. (Just like my brother!) And he spends most of his night just running around his hamster wheel. He's small and curious, which I fear is what might have lead to a little incident that he had this weekend. Apparently he got caught between his wheel and the side of the cage, and manage to get his upper teeth caught between two of the bars. (I know, beats me how he managed that!) I was afraid he was dead for a second, but then he started moving around. Once I got him dislodged, I noticed one of his eyes was missing. (It had just sunken in, although I feared the worst. He's been opening it more and more as the days go buy). He gave us a big scare, but he's pulling through. He's a resilient little one, just like his namesake. Well, that's everyone. We're just a great big bunch of hairy, scaley creatures, but hey, isn't everybody?

1 comment:

Ava said...

i love your pets!!! they are so beautiful. i love your fish the most...i need to get one for work.