Thursday, February 16, 2006

"With A LIttle Help From My Friends..."

Okay, so what is the official turnaround on TV shows coming to DVD, huh? I mean, come on, one of the main reasons that I got satellite television was for good ol' Boomerang, the one stop fix for all my retro cartoon needs. Then I come to find out that 1). If I want Boomerang, I have to pay extra for it (wassup' wid dat?) and 2). goddamn mother-f-ing Boomerang doesn't show Tiny Toons, or Animaniacs, or Freakazoid! And worse still is that there are no DVD boxed sets of any of these shows that can be purchased by the nostalgic fan, such as myself. Okay, I know that maybe cartoons don't tend to be released as boxed sets, but that is slowly changing with the wave of successful shows on Cartoon Networks [adult swim]. But did you know that the freakin' Wonder Years is STILL not out on DVD? (I know you all remember what a great show that was!) Kevin Arnold and Winnie Cooper were my generation's Ross and Rachel. That show is timeless. (Or more specifically, taking place in the 70's). WAAAAAYYYYNNNEEEE!!! Classic! Or how about (and this one is for you Ralph Garman, wherever you are!) the original Batman TV series? Where's my Batusi?? Where's my Joker with painted-over mustache? Where's Aunt Harriet? Or my Bat-Shark Repellant Spray? Is there anything that utility belt can't hold? Tune in next time...same bat time...same bat channel! Ah, yes there would be nothing that I would love more than to be able to own the shows that made my youth so memorable. But until then, I guess I must be content with simply re-visiting my memories of these great shows as I sit at my desk and browse the fansites and forums. (And by that I mean look at porn, lots and lots of porn! But of course, you already knew that didn't you??)

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