Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Block By Block, Brick By Brick

I just bought Lego Star Wars for the Gamecube, and man was I pleasantly surprised. After the enormous disappointment of the Star Wars Revenge of the Sith game, I was a little hesitant about picking this one up. I thought the idea of the lego brand being attached to the Star Wars name was just a gimmick to profit off of the end of the saga. There is just something endearing about this game. I don't know whether it is the characters, or the light-hearted nature of the game itself.The game allows you play out the prequel trilogy of the saga, starting off with only Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn as your playable characters, but as you complete each stage of the mission, you unlock more and more characters. (Usually those involved with the levels you have just completed, my favorite of which is R2-D2). Along the way there are certain obstacles of tasks that can only be completed by certain characters with certain abilities. (The majority of which are related to the force, which either Jedi or Sith characters can perform). Virtually everything in the game is destructable. And I MEAN everything! You can shoot things, manipulate them with the force, or slice them with your lightsaber. You begin each level at Dexter Jester's diner, and from there you simply walk through the door of the movie, and the level, that you want to play.Also, as you progress through the game, you can collect special blocks that, when all are collected, come together to build a different vehicle from the Star Wars Universe. There are ten pieces per level, so there is a potential to build a lot of vehicles. And whenever you want to check on your collction, you simply walk out of the diner, and they are on display outside. Here you can see the level of completion for each, how many pieces are missing, and then you can re-enter levels in search of the missing pieces. Each subsequent character you unlock makes finding all the hidden pieces a little bit easier.There are a couple of levels where you can actually fly some of the vehicles, like the space battle over Coruscant from Episode III, or a Republic Gunship over Geonosis from Episode II. After a while you begin to lose sight of the fact that the characters and the vehicles that you are controlling are made of Legos, and you begin to realize that this game is WAY better than the offical movie adaptation one was.There are a few things that quickly bring you back to the realization that these are Legos, and the game is supposed to be more light-hearted than the films actually were. There is a stage where once you have manipulated everything in the room there is to manipulate, the characters in the room drop everything they are doing, and begin to dance to the disco version of the Star Wars theme song. It's hilarious to watch the Caminoans getting down.This game is great, there is no doubt about it. It's a fun time, as well as a fun spin on an already classic franchise. And there are already talks of a sequel to the game which would allow you to play the original trilogy, with all its characters and environments. Hopefully that one will be just as enjoyable as this one was. (Can't wait to be able to fly the Falcon, or blow up the Death Star!)

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