Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Take A Stand!

So last night during "24" Fox decided to air the brand new trailer for "X3: The Last Stand", (that's X-Men 3 for those of you who are out of the loop). The teaser that was released a few months ago was a bit of a disappointment. I truly feared for the future of the franchise. I mean, come on, it was one of the first comic book films that brought dignity and humanity to the genre. It wasn't campy or generic, but more of a dramatic interpretation of themes that most of us confront in our lives: descrimination, alienation, isolation, depression, anger, a desire to fit in, search for identity, etc. Without it, Spiderman would probably not have seen the light of day. Anyways, last night totally restored faith in me that the series could end, if not at least continue, in the same vein in which it had begun. Don't get me wrong, I still would have preferred that Bryan Singer had helmed the project, although I understand and respect his decision to take on the monumental undertaking of bringing the Man of Steel back to the silver screen, but the trailer still felt like X-Men (if that makes any sense at all). The teaser felt too much like a music video, which would make sense because that is where Brett Ratner got his start. (Potential Spoilers Ahead! Proceed At Your Own Risk!)The trailer showed us a lot more of the new mutants that have joined the cast, as well as giving us a basic plot of the film. The movie is going to focus on the creation of the Legacy Virus, which is supposed to be a cure for the mutant X gene. The trailer showed that the source of the virus is in fact a mutant, Leech, one of the Morlocks, who has the power to dampen or inhibit any mutant's abilities. This was showed in the trailer when Beast, played by Kelsey Grammer (which I still can't get over the fact that Sideshow Bob's voice is coming out of this guy), was approaching Leech, and his outstretched hand was losing its fur and blue tint. I'm still up in the air about Beast coming on board, I mean Nightcrawler already had the Blue animal-like character slot filled. In the film Beast is the first mutant that Xavier had ever taken in, and is now deeply involved in mutant rights.We also got to see more of Angel in the trailer. The teaser showed us Angel in some sort of laboratory unfurlling his wings, but in the trailer we got a small taste of what it will look like when he takes flight. It seems that he perhaps was an unwilling volunteer to some sort of mutant tests of the Legacy Virus. The subplot of the film involves the return of Jean Grey, an perhaps the emergence of the Phoenix. The trailer showed both Wolverine and Cyclops still trying to cope with the loss of Jean, and her subsequent return. The final shot of the trailer is Jean asking Wolverine to kill her. (Scarred psyche, anyone?) She seems to shift sides, and ultimately stands beside Magneto. The mutant community is forced to make a choice between keeping their uniqueness, or embracing the cure that will help them fit into society better.One cool shot that I liked was one where Juggernaut was chasing Shadowcat right through some walls. As she phased right through them, he would crash through them right behind her. It was a pretty nice visual. (Although I still think that they could have done a whole lot better with the Juggernaut costume).There is also talk that the Danger Room finally makes an appearance in this installment. Some of the shots of Wolverine and Colossus are said to take place in the Danger Room, and perhaps there is a shot of the Fastball Special.All in all, I'm looking forward to this film with cautious optimism, seeing how it could potentially be the last in the franchise, although I hope not. There would be nothing worse than having it all end on a sour note. And it will be the sourest note, if we don't get to see this man......play Gambit in an X-Men movie.

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