Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My Goodies!

Aside from getting my copy of Wolverine #40, today was a day full of little goodies for your's truly. On the video game front, both Metroid Prime: Hunters and Tetris DS arrived in stores today. Luckily my brothers still owed me birthday presents, so each of them got me one of the new games. Haven't played them for too long, but I think I can formulate some solid first impressions from what I have seen.First up, Tetris DS. OMG! Where has this game been? This is the game for those of us who loved the original Tetris and the original NES console. This game is the perfect mixture of the puzzle game we all spend countless hours devoted to, and the classic Nintendo characters. This version offers 6 different takes on the classic Tetris game, each themed after classic NES games and characters. (And has a 10 person multiplayer feature! That's right 10 people!)1). Standard mode takes you through the world of Mario as you play the classic Tetris game 2). Catch mode allows a new "spin" on the game as you control a spinning core attempting to catch falling pieces in the world of Metroid 3). Touch mode allows the stylus to come into play as you manipulate pieces in the world of Balloon Fight 4). Push mode is basically a tug-o-war as you try to push the opposing player into his end zone in the world of Donkey Kong 5). Return to Hyrule in the Mission mode where you are given a specific task to accomplish before moving on to the next and 6). Puzzle mode allows you to solve puzzles using the Tetris pieces as Yoshi looks on.It is not only great to see the old favorite return on the new console, but seeing all these different variations on the basic game. This adds to the replayability of the game, which being Tetris, is very high to begin with. My favorites of the new games have been the Push mode and the Mission mode. I still need to get the hang of the Catch mode, but from what I have played it is totally different, and quite challenging. Overall, this is an awesome game, highly recommended.Next up, Metroid Prime: Hunters. Okay, so I might be a little biased about this one, seeing how Metroid is my favorite of all the Nintendo titles. I haven't played too much of this one yet ,(My battery was dying when I finally decided to give it a shot after playing Tetris for about an hour), but from what little I did play, I could already see that this was classic Metroid in the same vein as Metroid Prime for the Gamecube. The graphics are good, the game mechanics need a little getting used to, though.Your basic movements, front back left right, are still controlled by the D-pad, but your circular motion, 360 degrees up down, are controlled by the touch screen with either the stylus or the thumb pad attached to the carrying strap. The hand positioning needs a little getting used to, and I'm concerned that it will be a hassle when fighting bosses, but only time will tell.The real selling point of this game is its multiplayer feature. It allows for up to 4 players to play each other as one of 7 (including Samus Aran) bounty hunters, each with their own specialized alternate forms and specific weapons of choice. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time players will be allowed to utilize another character OTHER than Samus in a Metroid game. I have yet to try the multiplayer feature, but I have a feeling that it will play out very much like Goldeneye. After a long wait, this games seems to be a big payoff for any Metroid fan. Both these games support Nintendo's WiFi connection feature, which means you can play against other people (either friend's or strangers) over the internet utilizing your computer's internet connection. I've used Mario Kart's WiFi feature, and it is great to be able to play against actual opponents instead of the computer (either way, I still get my ass handed to me on a platter!)On an unrelated note, I picked up a couple of the new Star Wars Titanium figures from Hasbro. These figures fit into the Titanium line of Star Wars Vehicles from Micro Machines. These guys are highly detailed, slightly posable, and very cool. They come in their own display stand, and are available in two styles, fully painted and the unfinished-looking patina. Both feature removable helmets, which is a first for any Boba Fett figure, who looks suspiciously like another Fett we've come to know recently.There is a second wave coming out in June featuring the bounty hunter Bossk and a Sandtrooper.

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