Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Don't Confuse Coincidence With Fate!"

Why is "Lost" such a great show?? I know it seems like a rhetorical question, but seriously, why is it such a great show? Not since "The X-Files" have I been so commited to a television show so fully. I have friends who are all about the "CSI"s or the "24"s, but "Lost" stands alone as a uniquely enthralling television show. Not even "The X-Files" devoted so much attention to character development, but it did create the same type of conspiracy and theory hysteria that "Lost" has become so adept at. There's Drama, there's comedy, there are elements of both the supernatural and the spiritual, and it is both primitive and science fictionesque without betraying the integrity of either. True, things like the black smoke, and the so-called "monster" do taste slightly of the improbable, it is really the interpersonal relationships, both on and off the island, that inspire and maintain the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. Mr. Eko and John Locke are two of the best characters to be on television in a while. They provide the moral conscience of the show, while also raising many philosophical and existential questions in the process. Hurley is the comic relief (come on, who doesn't love a fat guy?). Kate and Sawyer bring an edgy sex appeal with their shady past, and dashing good looks. Sun and Jin draw in the couples in the audience, while most parents will identify with Claire and Michael. Sayid is pretty much an enigma, is he a warrior with a soft heart, or is he a gentle soul with a killer's instinct. His true nature is tried when Shannon, (one half of the perpetually incestuous sibling rivalry that was Shannon and Boone), is prematurely terminated by a tailie. Charlie is the rebel of the group, and also the only one who has to deal with withdrawls from a drug addiction, as well as withdrawls from society while stranded on the island. That leaves Jack, our protagonist, who becomes the de facto leader of the group. He's the rational mind, as well as the skeptic, much like Scully was to Mulder. (Much of the interplay between Locke and Jack is very remeniscent of the infamous FBI duo). But he is also the heart, which is emphasized by the fact that he was a doctor before back home before the crash. He tries to show as much compassion and understanding as possible, but due to the added pressures of recent events (the hatch, the numbers, the countdown, the "others", etc.) he's been more and more at wits end.It'll be interesting to see if Jack and Ana Lucia will be able to raise this "army" of their's, and just how effective it will be in the upcoming confrontation with the others, the "monster", of perhaps it will be revealed that they are one and the same. You can never tell with this show, which is one of its draws. Maybe the real battle will emerge from within the group itself, Charlie and Sawyer have already moved forward with plans of their own, and Locke is steadily becoming a constant thorn in Jack's side. That's the beauty of this show, you just never know. And thanks to the Dharma Initiative, perhaps we were never meant to know. (Bet you didn't see that one coming, did ya?)I'm soooooooo glad that it's back on tonight. (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thing smallville changed nights and you discovered what real tv is suppose to be like...