Monday, March 06, 2006

What's In Your iPod?

I've been getting a lot of new music lately, thanks to a few friends, so my musical horizons have been expanded further than I've allowed them to in the past. I've ventured past the Korn's and Metallica's and Linkin Parks of the world. (Although I still like them a lot!). I guess my brother's and their friends have a little wider perspective on stuff like this, so they've introduced me to many new bands as well. Here are a few bands that I'm really into right now.
Bloc PartyPanic! At the DiscoCoheed and CambriaDredgHawthorne HeightsThriceA Static LullabyJack JohnsonMatchbook RomanceHIM

These are a few of the new bands that are on my iPod right now, and that I really like. I know I may be a little bit late to the party on some or most of these, but better late than never, right? If your interested, feel free to give them a try.

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