Saturday, March 25, 2006

Missing Pieces

Picked up a few items that were missing from my collection today. A couple of Marvel Figure Factory figures, and a Star Wars saga collection Darth Vader (which was the only figure I was missing from the Battle of Hoth wave...Yeah, I know, N-E-R-D!) Those Marvel Figure Factory sets are becoming more intircate and detailed. The Blade one has the largest and most complex base out of all of them by far. The vampires he's staking are pretty cool lookin'. (This is one bad brotha'!) And the Nightcrawler one looks awesome suspended in air in mid-BAMF! I found the Figure Factory sets at my local Toys 'R Us, while I picked up the Darth Vader at the local Wal-Mart. I'm constantly on the look out for new Star Wars figures, and I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the new Star Wars Transformer waves. (Does anyone else hear the sound of a YT-1300 Corelian Transport Freighter? Thought so!)

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