Thursday, December 28, 2006


So, what did Santa leave you underneath the tree?? Me, I got a few nerderific items. (No, no Wii, but that's ok!) It was a good Christmas this year, I was able to surprise a few people with their gifts, and in return I was surprised as well. Here are a couple of the Treasures of Geekdom that befell me this holiday.The Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition DVD Boxed Set. This set contains all 4 Christopher Reeves Superman movies, the new Superman Returns movie, alternate versions of Superman I and II, and a few documentaries. 14 discs in all, plus a reproduction of Superman #7 comic, and an offer to get 5 free movie posters. WOW!! When they say Ultimate, they MEAN Ultimate! I'd like to thank my special lady for this very cool item.And speaking of my special lady, she managed to surprise me with this little number. It's a pewter reproduction of the capsule Superman landed in from Superman Returns. It's a nice item, looks very organic and technological all at once. It has a cool stand that's shaped like the Superman shield. It has been placed nicely among my mini-busts and statues. (Thanks Babe!)My brother surprised me with this cool little set that I had seen online, but not in stores. It is a miniature replica set from Master Replicas of Link's sword and shield from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. These little items are intricately made, and they weigh quite a bit, seeing how they are made from actual metal. The detail is incredible. And the fact that it comes with the soundtrack for the game is a definite bonus! (Thanks for the surprise, Guys!)Also managed to snag Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for the DS. I've been hearing nothing but rave reviews for this game, most reviewers calling it the handheld game of the year. So it was a pleasant surprise to find this stuffed in my stocking. (As dirty or uncomfortable as that may sound!) I haven't picked up a Castlevania game in a while, and this makes me want to find all those titles I missed out on. (Nothin' like whippin' a few zombies to shreds! Thanks bro!)
I also got a whole bevy of Spider-Man and Venom items from the good ol' wholesome Hot Topic. A Venom chain wallet, a Spider-Man leather wallet, a Spider-Man belt, and a Venom long-sleeve thermal shirt.All-in-all, we were very fortunate this year, in both giving and receiving. The best gift of all, however, was being able to have my Grandmother here with us. (Everything else was a very close second!) I want to thank everyone for their generosity and their thoughtfulness. I hope you enjoy your gifts as much as I know I will enjoy mine. What do you say we do it all again next year, huh??

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Flame On!!

The Fantastic Four 2 media blitz is off and running. The first official teaser trailer has been released today, and let me tell ya, it is ALL about the Silver Surfer. I liked the first movie for what it was, an attempt to introduce the world to these beloved comic book icons. But this sequel is beginning to look like it may be more for the comic book fans than just the mainstream audience. I promise you that if there are any glimpses of a Galactus anywhere in this film, fan boys are gonna cream their underoos. Anyway, enjoy this fun teaser in the meantime. It's got me excited!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Prime 9: Optimus Prime...Cover Model??

In what has to be one of the coolest Transformer movie pictures that I've seen released thus far, Optimus Prime has now taken the mantle of cover model. Empire Magazine has found Prime worthy of gracing their cover. There is just something monumental and imposing about this shot of Optimus. (Could it be that I have a man-bot crush?? Nah!) Anywho, enjoy the image.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and an extremely Happy and Prosperous New Year. I know that there may only be a handful of you out there that take the time to read my page, but I wish to thank each and every one of you for listening to my rantings, and caring about what I have to say about subjects that may only be important to me. But they are important to me, and as such, I am also grateful to have a forum such as this to express my seemingly trivial opinions and thoughts. May you have the Happiest Holiday season alongside your loved ones. Me, I'm taking advantage of the fact that my grandmother is here with us this Christmas. This is my first time meeting her, and that makes it so much more memorable. Again, thanks for reading. I promise to keep writing! HO HO HO!

Marvel-ous News!

With Marvel franchises such as Spider-Man and Ghost Rider looming on the horizon that is 2007, the chain of comics-to-film has been growing ever steadily. Already in production is the sequel to the Fantastic Four. Entitles Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer, this film is looking to dive into one of the FF's most famous story arcs. The Silver Surfer, an alien being endowed with the Power Cosmic by the planet-devouring Galactus, makes his first feature film debut. There has been some anticipation and some apprehension as to what he will look like on film, seeing how he is a being entirely covered in chrome silver. This week we got our first look at the Surfer, and, to me anyway, it seems more like a starting point than a finished product. Hopefully as time progresses there will be some fine tuning done to get the look just right. Here, take a look:On other Marvel movie news, the official Iron Man movie website has been launched. There is nothing important on there but a register-for-update link, which is standard practice, but we also get our first look at what seems to be the Iron Man logo that will be used for the film. I was slightly disappointed with the Ghost Rider logo, but this seems to be going in the right direction. Hopefully director Jon Favreau will do Tony Stark right. What do you guys think?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"The Man in Black Fled Across the Desert..."

This February Marvel begins production on a comic book series based on Stephen King's most monumental work, The Dark Tower. For the first time ever, the Gunslinger's (Roland Deschain) world will be intricately and intimately explored through visual means. Seeing how a major motion picture is far off, and perhaps maybe out of the question, this may be the next best thing for both King and Tower fans. I know nothing can compete with the reader's imagination, but Marvel has a prestigious history of beautiful artwork, captivating storytelling, and enthralling characters. I can't wait to be able to visit Roland's world again for the very first time. I'll keep you posted as news develops. For now you can watch the trailer here.

Prime 8: BEHOLD!

Here it is, the new Transformers movie trailer! Bask in the glow of all it's glory!! It looks pretty BADASS! Those brief glimpses of Optimus are goosebump inducing! Cannot wait until July!!

Friday, December 15, 2006

From the Comfort of Home

The holiday season always means a mad rush to the stores for those last-minute Christmas gifts. This year we got a pretty good head start on things. (I've been shopping in the store on Christmas Eve before, so anything sooner than that is a big step!) We started on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving), and haven't stopped since. But if you're like me, and very few of you out there rarely are, your perfect idea for a gift isn't always easily found at the local mall or department store. No, an alternative source must be found...and that is where the internets come into play. Now, I've done online shopping before during the holidays, even benefited from some holiday rush payment blunder in my favor (FREE!!). But I think I've done the large part of my gift giving acquisitions, particularly for one very special person, online. And as such, this past week has been like Christmas everyday. I come home from work, tired and dirty, maybe a little cranky, but I walk into my room and what do I find? A package waiting for me! (Technically it's not for me, but you get the idea!) I never know who's the fastest shipper, so the package could be any of a wide variety of items that I have ordered. And therein lies the fun! Although not technically for me, the pleasure I have in opening a newly received package is entirely mine!

Family Ties

So, it has been a little hectic here at the old household these past few days. There are events unfolding that have us all very excited and exhilarated. After 27 years of existence in this world, this week I will finally get to meet my maternal grandmother. (That's my momma's momma, for those of you keeping track!) My mom is her only daughter (she's also got two sons), and we're my mom's 3 boys (no girls!). My baby brother has been the only one to hop on a jet with my mom to got to El Salvador about 10-12 years ago. I don't know exactly why, perhaps money, perhaps school, but the opportunity has never come up for me to fly down there. It doesn't look likely that it ever will, either. But I also never expected for my grandmother to fly up here, let alone in time for the Holiday season. I think this year will be truly special. I'll finally get to meet the source of the voice on the other side of the phone. I'm planning on taking plenty of pictures. 'Tis The Season!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Prime 7: I'm Ready for My Close-Up!

These past few days have seen various Transformer movie images come to light. It started off with various shots of the toy prototypes which are supposed to be the tie-ins for the movie next year. You can check those out by clicking on this link and this one. I like the Barricade figure, which is the Mustang done up as a Police car, and the Bumblebee figure, which is the yellow Camaro. (Can't wait to see what the Bumblebee as the 2007 Camaro figure will look like!). And hopefully the Optimus one will be massive to go along with his movie counterpart. A trailer would be cool, but I can understand if they decide not to use on in the movie, or even for the toy for that matter. Then we got our first look at the robot mode concept art for Ratchet, who is a yellow emergency vehicle in the film. You can check that out here. There certainly is a very angular style that is being established for these live-action Transformers. It's not as easy as it was with the cartoon to discern the alternate mode for these guys, but I guess that has to do with the real life physics of the world we live in. Then, we finally got our first look at some CGI rendered Transformers, which gets us one step closer to actually seeing them on screen. I especially like the way Bumblebee is turning out. (Opposed to a buddy of mine who is planning on boycotting the film just because Bumblebee isn't a Volkswagen Beetle like in the cartoon!) Of course, the Optimus looks awesome, and I'm liking Barricade as well. But I'm still not sure what is going on with Megatron. I guess we'll have to wait for the movie to find out. Less than 7 months, and counting!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Omar's Collection Spotlight #7: Optimal Optimus

So we've come full circle once again to find Optimus in the spotlight. This has got to be one of my favorite Transformers toys. Not only is it an Optimus Prime figure, but it is also quite massive. And the sculpt, is very show accurate. Taken from the third season of Beast Wars, at this point in the timeline, Megatron has discovered the Arc (the ship which carries the classic Transformers that we all grew up with: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Soundwave, Megatron, etc.) In order to ensure victory for the Predicons, the ancestors of the Decepticons, Megatron plots to destroy Optimus Prime, and the Matrix of Leadership along with him. Vary narrowly succeeding, and assuming that he had, Megatron leaves the scene of the crime, and Optimus Primal discovers that only Prime's body had suffered, but the spark was not far behind. In an act of maternal heroism, Primal takes Prime's spark within himself for safekeeping, as he and the other Maximals (ancestors of the Autobots), work to restore Prime's body. With this act, Primal not only absorbed much of Prime's personality, but it also altered his body, making him larger and more powerful than his prior Transmetal body had been. That is where this figure fits in. This figure is large, the largest released in the Beast Wars toy line, and as such, has more than just the regular 2 alternate modes. Optimal Optimus is able to transform from a robotic gorilla (Primal's alternate form in the entire Beast Wars/Beast Machines run), a robot, a jet, and a ground vehicle. Even though the Transformers in the show slowly evolved to more Tech-driven designs, they retained some of their organic aspects. This figure has patches of brown and black fur melded with the robotic elements, tying it to it's mammilian roots. It has lights that illuminate the robot and gorilla eyes, as well as the gun turret. It has 15 points of articulation, the thumbs and fingers are particularly nice. The color scheme is very show accurate, as well as aesthetically pleasing. Besides the 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime figure, this is my favorite Optimus figure. Both very different, but both very much in the spirit of the character. Heroic, immense, and inspiring. I give this one a solid 8 out of 10. Next Up: What has 4 arms, and coughs?? Stay Tuned!

A Wii Bit of Waiting

Well, the Wii's been out for about a week now, and all has gone as expected with any console launch. Sell outs, long lines, wait lists, faulty consoles, complaints, praises, etc. The bottom line with consoles is your either an Xbox person, a Playstation person, or a Nintendo person. Me, I'll always be a Nintendo person. The NES was the first console I ever really remember owning (and still do to this day, in semi-working condition!). Mario, Link, Samus, those little Tetris blocks, those are all the character that I remember growing up with. Not having much in the economic department, it was a very long time before I was able to get another console. The Super NES and the Nintendo 64 both passed me by. But by the time the Gamecube came around, I was working, and picked one up in a nice sleek black. Sure, we have as PS2 as well, a birthday gift for one of my brothers, but the Nintendo is all mine. The point of this whole prologue is to convey just how difficult it is for me to restrain myself and not just go out and drop $300 on a Wii and the new Zelda game. Part of me wanted to avoid the entire glitch and faulty system mess that I knew was coming. (Come on, it happened with the Xbox and the PS3 as well!). The other part of me is really holding out for the black version of the console to be released. Ever since they were revealed at E3, I've had my eye on the black console. Now, with a little research I've heard conflicting reports on the status of "colored" versions of the Wii. On one side I'm hearing that white will be the only color available. On another, I'm hearing that Spring '07, around the time the initial wave of consoles will sell out, will see new colors being available. And yet, on still another, I'm hearing that late '07 will see new console colors being released with the updated Wii, which will included a DVD playback function. Now, I'm willing to wait for Spring '07, my birthday falls around that time. (HINT, HINT!) But a WHOLE other year?? That's a toughy! If ultimately push comes to shove, I can always settle for the white console, and just Skin it the way I want. (Now, isn't there something vaguely familiar about THAT Wii??) Check out for more cool skins.

Doctor! Doctor!

Okay, okay, I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong. (Because OBVIOUSLY, some people are incapable of letting you live it down!!). I finally gave into the hype, the temptation, and the curiosity, and picked up a copy of Trauma Center: Under the Knife for the Nintendo DS. I'll admit that I was hesitant about picking up this title. I'm not much for the Japanese anime style caricatures and animation, and this game has it in spades. But after just a few short minutes, all that just melts away, and the game play definitely speaks for itself lound and clear. Trauma Center is primarily a puzzle game, focused on the medical genre. You're a rookie doctor trying to climb your way through the ranks. Along the way you find guidance and advice from the various characters that inhabit the city of Angeles Bay. You learn you have a special ability to heal, known as the Healing Touch, and that a strange new disease, known as GUILT, is plaguing the citizens of your little berg. (As well as other parts of the world). It is up to you, Dr. Drake Stiles, to operate on the infected patients, discover the cause, and help find a cure...before it is too late!! This game is entertaining and fast paced, all the operations are timed and have an element of risk that accompanies any real surgeries. So, yes, I'll admit I was wrong about this one. I should have picked it up a whole lot sooner. And now that the Wii is out, the sequel for this game has found its way onto a console. With the Wii-mote, the experience should be a whole lot more authentic. Can't wait to get my hands on it. Scalpel!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Nano Upgrade

So, I finally went and did it. I upgraded my iPod Nano for the newer sleeker 2nd Generation Nano in that stylish blue. There is just something about that color that draws you in. Don't get me wrong, the black Nano is very stylish and sophisticated, but I was looking for something a bit more playful. Something that represents me a little bit more. My girlfriend opted for the pink one, which also looks very cool. And the special red one that they are selling only at the Apple stores and online, which benefits AIDS research, is very wickedly cool. If I were a red guy I would totally go for that one. But I am not a red guy, I'm more of a tanish brown, but seeing how there isn't a tanish brown iPod Nano, I settled for the blue one. It is very remeniscent of my old iPod Mini, which got traded in for the purchase of this one. (He shall be missed!) R.I.P.

Begun the Console Wars Have!

This past weekend saw the official launch of the final two Next-Gen gaming consoles. Friday saw the launch of the PS3, to what could only be described as unruly masses. No matter which stores you drove past (Best Buy, Target, Circuit City, Wal-Mart, etc.) you would be sure to find a little community of tents and sleeping bags that were anxiously anticipating to be one of the first to own, what is being herladed as, the ultimate gaming machine. Many critics and industry insiders have come to liken the PS3 more to a gaming PC than a Next-Gen gaming console. In fact, Sony has allowed for the customization of the PS3, where any gamer would be allowed to upgrade components as they see fit. But I'm fairly certain that this is not what Sony had in mind! Early word on the PS3 is that it is not all it was hyped up to be. And that the controller feels flimsy at best. But much like the PS2 was, Sony hopes that the PS3 will be 10yr. gaming machine, so perhaps we should give it more than just a week to reach a final verdict. Much of the PS3's launch was plauged with horror stories of people getting attacked while in line, and riots breaking out over poorly organized distribution events. And even with stories of one console selling for upwards of $10,000 on eBay. Does no one have any patience any more?Conversely, just 2 short days later, the world was finally introduced to that little bundle of Nintendo joy called the Wii. Where the PS3 launch was somewhat violent and disorganized, the Wii launch turned out to bring together a large community of gamers, largely thanks to the Nintendo DS. People in line would whip out their DS an start small gaming centers with their fellow linemates. I even heard a story of a man selling his Wii to a woman who's son was extremely disappointed that he wasn't getting one that night. (600 Wiis, 1000 people in line: You do the math!) I guess this just further emphasizes what Nintendo is trying to accomplish with this console, and that is to bring the world together, gamer and non-gamer alike. Early reports have been mixed regarding the Wiimote. Also, many consoles have frozen when downloading content, essentially rendering them useless. (Nintendo is shipping replacements as we speak!) Wiimote and Nunchuk shortages have also been a big problem. People either find one or the other, but rarely do they find both. Which is frustrating, since the Wii is meant to be shared, and it only includes one Wiimote and one Nunchuk. But universally, the fun factor has been found more in the Wii than the PS3. Granted, the PS3 and the Xbox 369 have gone for the graphics angle, the Wii has focused more on the gaming experience. Many have likened the Wii titles similar to the Gamecube's in terms of graphics, but that the interactivity of the console and the Wiimote make it easy to overlook. But even on the Gamecube, Resident Evil 4 had some of the best graphics in a game I've seen in a while. And with what I've seen from the new Legend of Zelda game, Nintendo hardly has anything to be disappointed about. (Well, except maybe for Red Steel, from what I hear!) Personally, I'm of the wait-and-see frame of mind. I'm eagerly anticipating picking up a Wii, but personally I'd like a black console, not the sterile Apple-like white that was launched. Perhaps with time the games will sell the console, and not the other way around. Just remember the Nintendo DS. People thought it was a bit to gimicky to last, but lo and behold, here we are 2 years later, and the DS has spawned a new community of gamers that never existed. It is not as powerful as the PSP, but it continues to outsell it in almost every market. Again, we'll just have to wait and see just who will win the Console Wars 2006.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Power Metal

Okay, following yesterdays post about Deth-metal band Dethklok, I thought it would only be proper to follow it with the introduction of the Power Metal Kick-Ass-Ery that is Dragonforce. Yes, yes, laugh at the name if you will, but these guys rock hard. Each song is a relentless auditory assault that is enough to make you wet your pants by sheer power of the metal. We first caught wind of these guys on G4's Attack of the Show, and later at our local Taget, when I casually glanced at their CD and thought their name sounded pretty cool. We've run through some of their songs, and I think we all agree that their awesome combination of uplifting and inspirational lyrics, alongside that epic, theatrical, almost symphonic metal sound, makes for the perfect run-your-neighbors-out-of-town vibe. (Not to mention that they got an asian dude playing rhythm guitar!) I've attached one of their music videos below, and you'll be able to see that about the only thing that they truly take seriously is the power to kick your ass with metal. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Deth is Hilarious!

It's been a while since I've raved about any new cartoon shows on Adult Swim. But lately some buddies and I have been really getting into a show called Metalocalypse. It follows the exploits of the world's greatest Deth-metal band, Dethklok. Now, not only is it a cleverly written show, but the music that the band plays is so totally kick-ass! How much, you may ask? Well, enough to garnish a spot in Guitar Hero 2 for the PS2 with their song Thunderhorse. The band members themselves are a bunch of cerebrally deficient eccentric billionaires who are clueless to the ways of the world and everyday activities such as cooking. They are too busy selling out concerts for coffee jingles that they have written, or killing fans when their massive stages fall from the sky. Not since Korgoth of Barbaria have I seen so much blood, gore, and carnage used in the name of comedy. For some reason, there is also a Government organization that is featured in the show, and through them we learn that Dethklok may be the bringers of the Apocalypse as foretold in a prophecy. The band is made up of Nathan Explosion (Lead Vocals), William Muderface (Bass Player), Pickles (Drummer), Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Lead Guitar), and Toki Wartooth (Rhythm Guitar). Meet them here! There are some celebrities involved with this show, like Mark Hammil and some members of Metallica, which means that we're not the only ones who have gotten Deth-fever. I can't recommend this show highly enough. If you like your comedy served with a whopping ass-full of pain, death, blood, and guts then give Metalocalypse a try. It's fun for the whole family!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Time for a Change

Just thought it was time that the site got a little bit of a makeover. I like it, let me know what you think. I know it may be like polishing a turd, but hey, it's my turd, and no one else's! (Wait, when did I eat corn???)

It's Soooooo Cute!

It's even MORE Wii-ier than I could have ever imagined! Just got back a little while ago from our local Game Stop and got my first look at an actual Nintendo Wii. They had the demo display all set up, but it was close to closing time, so there was no chance to take if out for a spin. And even if there was time, you still need an ID and a credit card in order to test it out. (They're trying to prevent any wii-mote thefts!) It's small and sleek, about the size of an external hard drive, maybe a little bigger than that. And it was in that now all too familiar Apple white. Personally, I'm waiting for the sleeker and sexier looking black one. (Yeah, I got a little Jungle Fever, wanna make something of it???) We also got our first look at a PS3 at the local Wal-Mart, although I believe it was just a gutted out shell for display purposes only. It looks heftier than the PS2, which I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Maybe they just needed all that extra room to stuff everything in there that they wanted to, like a microwave and a small thermonuclear reactor. (I may be wrong on that, though).

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Since the announcement that Venom would be making an appearance in Spiderman 3, the internet has been abuzz with talk, rumors, and images as to what the celluloid version of the character would look like. At Comic Con this year, we were this close to getting into the Sony panel, which, we later learned, showed some raw footage, and indeed confirmed the appearance of Venom in Spidey 3. Neither footage or images from that panel exist, except this one. And, just a few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to stumble on a site which had posted a release from Master Replicas which showcased their upcoming releases, which includes replica masks from Spiderman 3, including (yep, you guessed it!) Unfortunately, that was promptly removed. The image was in black and white, but from what I saw, it was very close to the original Venom, with some real world believability thrown in. And just a few days ago, I ran into a site that had some preliminary character designs for what seems to be the Spiderman 3 video game. There they have designs for Sandman, Harry Osborne (Either Hobgoblin or Green Goblin 2), and Venom. This is the first real look at what we could potentially be seeing on screen next Summer. Check it out here and see what you think.

Clash of the Titans

We're venturing into a brave new world. Next week will see the release of the last 2 of the big 3 video game consoles. The PS3 (Nov. 17th), and the Nintendo Wii (Nov. 19th) are looking to cut the Xbox 360s significant lead. Microsoft attacked first, some might say too early with the many glitches that have been discovered with the console, but the PS3 is the one that most of the world is anticipating. The Playstation may have revolutionized the gaming industry, and in much the same way, it continued to do so with the PS2, which was even bigger than the original. The the future of the PS3 is still very much up in the air. Not much is known about the console despite its heafty price tag, much of which is allocated to the built-in Blue Ray player that comes included with the system. Screenshots and animations that have been shown to us look impressive, but we're still uncertain of whether they are actual gameplay or pre-rendered images. There has been virtually no hands-on interaction with consumers, seeing how it launches next week, it seems like there won't be any until release. (Buyer beware!) How smart is this of Sony? How can they hide so much of, what would no doubt be a sure thing, making it into a wait-and-see? The PS3 lurks in the dark, and the Wii must stand alone to face it.The hands-on experience of the Wii has also been kept under wraps until release, but there has been so much more exposure and demonstration of the system. Industry and business members have been able to catch fleeting glimpses of the Wii, maybe even waved the Wii-mote around a few times. (Reviews of the new gameplay features have been mixed!) I've heard that to play the demo console at the local Game Stop it will require an ID and a credit card! (You know, in case anyone gets the crazy idea to steal the Wii-mote. But come on! How can you resist when it has such a cute name?? How, I ask ya!!) Unlike the other 2 systems, the Wii will not have DVD capabilities (At launch anyway. One may come along in the near future!) Instead it relies on the Virtual Console, which means that you'll be able to download and play (for a fee) any game in the ENTIRE Nintendo catalog (Up to the Gamecube) with your system. The concept of the Wii is togetherness, community, and fun. It is attempting to draw in, not only the hardcore gamers, but also the casual gamers, and their families (Be they gamers or not!) And with a $249 price tag, it looks like it may achieve its goal a lot quicker than the PS3, which is priced at $499 for the Basic System and $599 for the Premium System.To put that into perspective, I just paid $700 to fix both front and back brakes on my car, plus I replaced the front drive axle. Needless to say, after the Wii, if I had to choose between a PS3 and an Xbox 360, well, let's just say Bill Gates just made a new friend. And with games like Gears of War coming out on the 360, I'll be more than happy to commit to my PS2 as the last Playstation console I'll ever own. As long as Nintendo is around, and has the gamer, not profit, in mind, and as long as they keep making Zelda, Metroid, and Mario games, well, I'll stay to fight another day in these here console wars. And if you still need help deciding which side to pick, this little video may prove useful. Enjoy!

Black and White, and RED ALL OVER!!!

I have recently been thrown back into the world of Comic Books via the internet. I've been regularly catching up with the new Wolverine series Origin, thanks to a buddy of mine who's been ordering the issues online. Now this same buddy has introduced me to the wonderful world of online comic book reading and downloading. This has got to be the best thing since sliced bread, meat, pizza, or any other thing that comes in slices! It has been a cost efficient and convenient way of catching up on the latest and greatest in the world of comics. So far I've read the Batman: Hush storyline, which was very good, and The Walking Dead, which is awesome. My friend had been talking about the Walking Dead for quite a while, and I had heard things about it hear and there on the TV. But I wasn't interested since I had devoted myself primarily to superhero comics and the like. The Walking Dead is a Post-Apocalyptic story set in a world where a catastrophic event has converted most of the world's population into "zombies". The book is illustrated in black and white, which, ironically enough, makes all the blood and gore that is portrayed so much more effective. After 24 issues, I can honestly say that I'm hooked, and that I was a fool for ever having ignored it. The book is written by Robert Kirkman, who does a wonderful job of getting you emotionally invested in all the characters. (Dead or living!) The main character, Rick Grimes, a former police officer who, when shot in the line of duty, falls into a coma only to awaken much later in a world where the walking dead roam. He is unaware of what is going on, and as such, becomes the vicarious representation of the reader. His one thought is for the wellbeing of his wife and son. The story then revolves around Rick's emergence to, and survival in, this topsy-turvy world. The series is currently ongoing, for anyone who wants to pick it up, I highly recommend it. And for any of you who want more tips and reviews from the world of comic books, check out my buddy's blog by clicking here.

I Need A Hero!

Not since Lost has a television show captured the imagination of the country. NBC's Heroes has stepped up, and shown that is it more than just a show about superheroes, superpowers, and tights. This show is so much more than that. It is about potential. It is about isolation. It is about being different. It is about coping. It is about growing up. It is about humanity. And it is about what happens next. What happens next to man? We've learned what we have evolved from, but what is it that we'll evolve too?? Much like the X-Men movie franchise, this show addresses the subject of superheroes in a more realistic and organic fashion. These heroes have real problems, and real messed up lives and families. These ordinary people gain extraordinary abilities through unknown means, and it is up to them to decide what to do with those abilities. Of course good and evil, good guys and bad guys always comes into play. But is it treated in a much more gritty and realistic manner. There isn't just black and white, but a lot of gray as well. After 6 episodes, we have already invested so much into these characters that we can't wait to see what comes next. And with real comic book artists and real comic book writers playing a large part in its development, us real comic book readers/fans are completely enthralled. We may be lost, we may be confused, but we do know one thing for sure...Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!

Divine Quest Complete!

After 56 hours of gameplay, I have defeated, what I believe to be the best game of 2006, Okami. The game was visually stunning, emotionally enthralling, and just an all-out original and fun gaming experience. Not since last year's Shadow of the Colossus has a game demanded so much of my attention, and been so deserving of it. I cannot recommend this game enough, for those of you with patience. Now, the only thing that I'm looking forward to is the release of the Nintendo Wii (Nov. 19th), and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. (Well, maybe Nintendogs: Rottweiler and Friends!)

I'm Back!!

Man, it's tough trying to squeeze in time to keep up with this blog. I mean, with my busy schedule and all! (Wink!) Actually, I'll admit that I've let this little project of mine slip by the wayside, but I've reaffirmed my dedication to this site, and I will try to be more timely and prompt with my updates. There has been so much going on, that it shouldn't be any trouble finding things to write about. (At least I hope not!) Anywho, for those of you who have been anxiously awaiting your regular fix of anything movie/TV/cartoon/toy/comics/L.A. Galaxy related, sorry for the long wait. Any newcomers, welcome! I hope you enjoy!

Friday, October 20, 2006


We're heading over to Universal Studios tomorrow for Halloween Horror Nights. It's been the first time we've gone over to Universal for their Halloween event since 2000. After Sept. 11th, we'd that there wasn't going to be one in 2001, and since then we haven't heard of there being one. But this year we hear rumors, which turned out to be fact. We would forgo our usual trip to Knott's Scary Farm, and relive the fun we used to have at Universal. We've even heard that you can walk on the Universal Backlot as part of the experience. We're all set, we got our tickets, and we can't wait. I'll be back with an update soon...if we can make it out alive, that is! MMUUUAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *COUGH*UPDATE- So, our night at Universal came and went, and it can be described in one word: LAME! Don't get me wrong, we had a blast at the event, but it was despite of it, not because of it. It's always a great time when my friends and I get together, no matter where we go, we always manage to have a great time. We had all gone together to Universal the last time they held the event (back in 2000), and we all agreed that it had lost a little something. Perhaps a lot something! It had us wishing we had gone to Knott's yet again. What happened Universal?? You used to be so good at scaring us! Where there used to be 5 or 6 wickedly cool mazes going through the sound stages, now only 2 were found, and on the upper levels, not in the sound stages. And the "Terror Tram" which is the tram tour through the backlot, that actually let you get off and walk past the Psycho house, the War of the Worlds set, and the Bates Motel, was nothing more than a lot of hype. There was so much potential for good scares, but they were totally wasted. Instead of a Fear Factor Live: Dead Celebrities Edition (MIND-NUMBINGLY STUPID!!!), how about another dark gorey maze?? Universal is not as large as Knott's, in sheer walking area, so there weren't as many scarezones as there could be. But instead of QUANTITY, how about QUALITY?? I was so hoping that this would scare our pants off (Although you don't need to scare me to get my pants off.. WINK WINK!), and ultimately we felt shortchanged. We'll have to see what we decide to do next year. Give Universal one more chance, return to Knott's, or try someplace entirely new, like The Queen Mary! Only time will tell. For now, I can only say that I am damned glad that we only paid $25 per ticket instead of the full $49 price.

Technical Difficulties

Oh, boy! What a rough couple of weeks it has been. I've been having computer problems for the last couple of weeks. It would just spontaneously shut down on me, no matter what I was doing or what I was in the middle of. Finally, I had had enough when my brothers were unable to do their homework and print it out. It took an 11pm trip over to my girlfriend's house to print out some homework to make me realize that I shouldn't wait any longer to get it checked out. Now, let me say this first. I got my computer at Fry's Electronics (Yeah, I can see most of you rolling your eyes already!). I've always heard about their bad reputation with customer service, and the such, but there are not many stores like that around our area. So, yes I went into business with Fry's. I had taken it in before for virus removal, and never had a problem. I take it in on Saturday, explain my situation, and the guy behind the counter says tells me to leave it, pay $99, and they'll check it, clean it, remove any virus' that it may have, and the such. I reluctantly agree, I mean I couldn't do anything myself, since it wouldn't stay on long enough to get anything done. He says I can come in on Sunday to pick it up. So I go home and sleep on it. Sunday I'm anticipating his call, letting me know the computer is ready. Well, he calls, but tells me that he's going to have to install an OEM version of Windows, which meant I would not have everything that was on my computer when I first bought it. I told him that I had the recovery discs at home, and he said if I would take them to him, they might work. Well, long story short, I take him the discs, they don't work. Turns out that the motherboard had blown a few capacitors, making it not able to distribute power properly. So, I ended up having to buy a new motherboard, new CPU, a new fan, and, oh, by the way, I may need a new power supply. YAY!! All in all, the damage ended up being around $240 aside from the $99 already paid. The guy says it'll be ready by Tuesday. Great! I'll pick it up on my way home from work.So, I go to pick it up. The guy isn't done with it yet. He still needed to screw stuff back in, and register Windows. Once that was done (2 Hours Later!), I was on my merry way home with, what I thought, was a fully functioning computer. Boy, was I gullible. Oh, don't get me wrong. I came home, plugged it in, turned it on, and all was sunshine and rainbows. Cut to an hour and a half later, in the midst of reinstalling much of what I had lost. The computer restarts, and that's it! It keeps restarting. I mean, WHAT THE HELL!!!So, the next day I take it back to the Fry's, and the guy who originally fixed it wasn't there. A couple of new guys took a gander at its' innards, and told me that the problem was that I didn't have Windows installed. Wait, what?? I thought that fool had not only installed, but registered Windows for me! Guess not. Turns out I'd have to buy a copy of Windows XP for my very own!! But, at least that was it. It's been smooth sailing since, and now here I am, back among you. Hopefully I won't have to go through any of that again any time soon.