Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Rebel, Rebel

In a couple of weeks I'm going to my first real concert ever. (Does paying $5 to see Save Ferris, Fenix TX, and Stroke 9 at Santa Anita count as a concert?) It's actually something that I am doing for my girlfriend, who is really into this mexican pop act called Rebelde, or RBD for short. They're a group of teeny boppers who were spawned from a mexican soap opera of the same name. It's basically about a bunch of high schoolers and all the trials and tribulations that come with being that age. In the show, 6 of the main characters have a band, RBD, that their schoolmates love, and their parents don't know about. They are THE big thing right now in latin america, I mean they create crowds of immense proportions. To give you an idea, they were supposed to have an autograph signing at the F.Y.E. at our local mall here in Montebello, CA., but they had to cancel the appearance because too many people showed up. The store is located on the second floor of the mall, and mall officials were afraid that the incredible number of people who showed up were going to cause the second floor to collapse onto the first. And that's not the only instance. In Brazil, during another autograph appearance where 5,000 people were expected and 15,000 people actually showed up, 3 people were suffocated to death by the immense crowd, and 47 others were injured. This is a phenomenon of Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, and New Kids On the Block proportions. And I'm set to go see them at the Los Angeles Colesium on March 18th. Needless to say, I'm fearing for both our lives!But I'd do anything for my girlfriend, even stare death in the face. (But hopefully it won't come to that!) I just can't wait to see her face light up when she's at the concert. I see how excited she is about the music, and the show, and the DVD's. This is just a little something that I am glad I can do for her. (And at $50 a ticket, those girls better be looking their best!) Although I'm pretty sure my girlfriend will be too preoccupied with drooling over the boys, I'm hoping it will be a great time for both of us. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Ava said...

heck yeah save ferris counts as a real concert!!!

and have fun at your rebelde concert.